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Commander (aka Elder Dragon Highlander or EDH) is a Magic:The Gathering variant which emphasises social interactions, interesting games, and creative deck building. Its primary characteristic is that decks are centered about a Legendary Creature as the Commander. Please also tag these questions with [magic-the-gathering].

4 votes

Why is Trade Secrets banned in EDH or Commander?

It breaks multiplayer commander. Two players in cahoots draw as many cards as they wish (including Reliquary Tower, or some other way to extend their max hand size). There are other things, but I be …
bengoesboom's user avatar
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6 votes

Is your commander still a "commander" if it gets turned face down?

I just discovered that this exact circumstance is described in the rules. It will remain your commander. 903.3. Each deck has a legendary creature card designated as its commander. This designatio …
bengoesboom's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is your commander still a "commander" if it gets turned face down? [duplicate]

Does your commander still count as being your commander if it is turned face down? For example, I have my commander on the battlefield and my opponent plays Ixidron. Ixidron then turns my commander fa …
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