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74 votes

Why is Agricola named as such?

“Agricola” is the Latin word for “farmer” (dictionary). It is derived from “ager” (“field”) and “-cola” (“-tiller”, “-cultivator”). “Agriculture” shares the same root, and so does “acre” (albeit ...
RemcoGerlich's user avatar
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9 votes

Do Fireplaces and Cooking Hearths count as a Bake Bread Action Space?

During the Work Phase your family members perform Actions that are selected from those currently available on the board. Stage 1 has the Sow and/or Bake Bread Action which will show up sometime ...
Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rolla's user avatar
9 votes

Why are two different "Well" cards included in the new version of Agricola?

The Well that shows three Stone and one Clay is a misprint, which was packaged up with the rest of the cards. The other well was included separately from the rest of the cards as a replacement to fix ...
GendoIkari's user avatar
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7 votes

Why isn't "Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small" called "Agricola: All Creatures Great and Small"?

I am almost certain this is a UK / US difference. Specifically, I believe it was named this way because of a marketing decision by the US publisher. Research: Although Agricola's creator is Uwe ...
Jay A. Little's user avatar
6 votes

Agricola - Brushwood Collector + Carpenter's Parlor combination

You could build a wooden room for 3 wood. Carpenter's Parlor sets the base cost, and Brushwood Collector allows you to pay part of the cost differently. Essentially, they don't even interact, since ...
Samthere's user avatar
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5 votes

What food(s) do vegetables in Agricola represent?

There are several niche components in the game that make it clear "vegetables" are actually a mix of things. There are the minor improvements "Lettuce Patch" and "Turnip ...
Zags's user avatar
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4 votes

How does Agricola Solo version determine the food at the beginning of each game?

This is in the rules here On page 9 To play a Solo game, start with 0 Food. and later on the same page Because you have more permanent Occupations after each game, the goal score that you ...
StartPlayer's user avatar
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3 votes

Revised Farmers of the Moor expansion on the non-revised based set

The simple answer is no the updated Farmers of the Moor is not directly compatible with an unrevised Agricola. Mostly this is due to changed terminology and art between the classic and revised ...
KMR's user avatar
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3 votes

Does having Smallholder and Acreage when Sowing yield extra grain?

Acreage counts as two fields for Smallholder, so you will not get extra sowing unless it is your only field. Source: Acreage, Bean Field, Lettuce Patch and Turnip Field count towards the indicated ...
GendoIkari's user avatar
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2 votes

What does the Yoke card mean when it says "Plow"?

The text in the card refers to 'Plow or Harrow' with capital P and Capital H. This is because they are nouns (note that when the verb is used, as in "you can plow..." it is not written with capital P)....
Luis dlc's user avatar
2 votes

Agricola Online

You can now also play online on Board Game Arena (BGA): Currently in beta but will probably be released soon.
JMax's user avatar
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