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33 votes

What is the difference between Draughts and Checkers?

"Draughts" is a family of closely related games, so you need to be more specific about exactly which game you mean. English draughts is exactly the same game as (American) checkers, the one played on ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
14 votes

Does promotion in Checkers end a turn?

Admittedly without citation, the Wikipedia page for English draughts states: If a man moves into the kings row or if it jumps into the kings row, the current move terminates; the piece is crowned as ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
9 votes

Does this checkers-like game exist

This strikes me as a modified two player version of Peg Solitaire, rather than checkers. Notably: Players alternate turns except that a player is granted additional consecutive moves (i.e., captures)...
Chris's user avatar
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8 votes

What is an example of a perfectly played checkers game?

Checkers was weakly solved in 2007: it was proven that the Chinook algorithm could never lose a game. So to get a perfectly played game you could have Chinook play against itself, but I can't find the ...
Benjamin Cosman's user avatar
7 votes

A state with no more possible moves

According to this set of the rules: A player wins the game when the opponent cannot make a move. In most cases, this is because all of the opponent's pieces have been captured, but it could also be ...
Toon Krijthe's user avatar
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7 votes

Exchanging nearly all man in draughts (checkers)

He has 14 pieces and his opponent 16. So his strength compared to his opponent is 14/16 = 7/8. The exchange is the trade. Trade 13 pieces for 13 other pieces. So he has 14-13 = 1 and his opponent 16-...
Toon Krijthe's user avatar
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6 votes

Why is capturing mandatory in checkers/draughts? What if capturing was optional like any normal move? Would the game become completely unplayable?

The game does not become unplayable. In my opinion, for beginners like you I would actually reccomend playing with non-mandatory capture rules. I started out with non-mandatory capture rules and I ...
Curious Kid's user avatar
6 votes

Tournaments for the No-Forced-Jumps Checkers?

As per Sultan Ratrout's "A Guide to Checkers Families and Rules" there aren't any current officiated rules that do not include mandatory capture of one form or another. While many people ...
KMR's user avatar
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5 votes

How to name Checkers moves

As only 32 possible play squares are available in Checkers the standard form of notation simply assigns each square a number, then records the start and end place for the move. By convention the ...
KMR's user avatar
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5 votes

How many turns does an average game of Checkers/Draughts go for?

The American Checker Federation The ACF has the transcripts for a lot of games. By my count, they have 9,374 games recorded from 1952 to 2009. These are available for download. In these 10k games, ...
NonlinearFruit's user avatar
5 votes

In Checkers/Draughts, can a King jump multiple pieces and end up where it started?

Nothing disallows this sequence of jumps. Pieces do not need to end on a different space to which they started the turn, kings are allowed to move and capture in any direction of play, and multiple ...
Nij's user avatar
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4 votes

Exchanging nearly all man in draughts (checkers)

That's commonly referred as a "trade". In strategy / combat games, a trade can be applied to when you and your opponent equally lose with a move. You trade your pawn's life, for his, with the move ...
CyberClaw's user avatar
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4 votes

What are the rules of 10x10 Draughts? How many pieces are on each side?

Each player starts with 20 pieces. From Wikipedia: The gameboard comprises 10×10 squares in alternating dark and light colours, of which only the 50 dark squares are used. Each player has 20 ...
GendoIkari's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the difference between Draughts and Checkers?

As far as I know: Draughts: Board is 10x10 Normal pieces can jump backwards to take a piece Kings can move several squares in each direction Checkers: Board is 8x8 Normal pieces can not jump ...
Toon Krijthe's user avatar
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4 votes

Official draw rules in American checkers

Yes, a Draw is considered after 80 plies (40 turns). The rules says "their own previous 40 moves", which is equal to 40 plies of each player. From Definition of a Draw 1.32.2: Neither ...
Cohensius's user avatar
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3 votes

Are games like Alquerque solved? Are they fair games with perfect play?

While I cannot find a formal proof, Alfonso X's "Libro de los Juegos" offers an anecdotal report that the solution to the game is a tie: if both players known how to play it, they can both ...
Zags's user avatar
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3 votes

Othello Vs Checkers -- are there any complexity and skill comparisons?

From AI point of view, or at least from a Search-intensive approach, Othello is harder. Checkers has been weakly solved at 2007. Othello has not been solved yet. From the paper Checkers Is Solved: ...
Cohensius's user avatar
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3 votes

Redesign Checkers board to an odd size

There are drastic and multiple asymmetries introduced by having a board size that is an odd length on each side; including the possibility of the two sides having a different number of pieces. It is ...
Forget I was ever here's user avatar
3 votes

Checkers - with customized starting setups and AI agents

I found a Windows program on (checkers is called 'dammen'in Dutch). On this page I installed the program "dam 2.2". This is amazing. I can customize the setup (...
Marlein's user avatar
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2 votes

What strategies are there for the “no forced jumps” variant of checkers?

One of the big reasons kids don't like the forced jump rule is the simple fact of feeling trapped into sacrificing their pieces by taking yours. I believe you are correct in your strategy of holding ...
Jokus's user avatar
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2 votes

Draughts: King required?

No. You are never obliged directly to use a specific piece to move. The only exception is trivial: a game played under forced capture rules where there is exactly one piece able to make a capturing ...
Nij's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the official draw rules in American Pool Checkers?

The American Pool Checkers website "" is essentially dead (deliberately not linked because of a bad HTTPS certificate), but was fortunately archived by the Wayback ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
1 vote

Redesign Checkers board to an odd size

Technically yes, up to a point, however it have some pretty big impact on games. First it would add more pieces, making the game longer for every additional piece that needed to be taken. Making the ...
Andrew's user avatar
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1 vote

Are these multiple capture moves legal in Spanish checkers?

I don't believe either of those moves would be legal. While Spanish Checkers is a "flying kings" variant, the constraint that each diagonal move must capture a piece still applies - hence ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
1 vote

Checkers board game stages

There are very few specific board setups that detail early- mid- and late-games. It might be easiest to keep track of which stage you are in based on how many pieces and how many kings each player has ...
kanoo's user avatar
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1 vote

International rules for a king how many moves can the king take if there are no opposition pieces to jump?

In international rules, the King can move any distance along a diagonal. This holds true whether jumping over a piece or not. A king is still subject to the rule that it must make a jump if it can, ...
GendoIkari's user avatar
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