6 votes

Cosmic Encounter Can I attack an empty planet

You absolutely can attack a planet with no defenders. On page 8 of the rulebook it states: Defending with Nothing? Even though a player may no longer have a colony on one of his or her home planets, ...
Ken Herbert's user avatar
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5 votes

Cosmic Encounter Can I attack an empty planet

Yes, as long as the planet is still there. The defender defends as normal (playing an encounter card) but with no ships. From the rules on Launch (page 8): Note that, in a home system, the defense ...
Samthere's user avatar
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May I choose a planet to attack in an opposing system where I already have tokens?

You played this correctly. The only rule explicitly stating that the offense gets to change their Destiny card is when they draw their own system. The rule book is also explicit that the defending ...
SocioMatt's user avatar
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Are number of cards in hand public knowledge?

While there's no specific rule governing this in the rulebook, the board gaming community as a whole seems to agree that the number of cards in a player's hand is public knowledge. There are a lot of ...
SocioMatt's user avatar
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3 votes

In Cosmic Encounter, where do my ships go when I pull them from the warp if I already have 4 ships on each of my planets?

When returning ships to your bases, you may put the token(s) on any bases where you currently have tokens. Four is just the starting number, not the limit. You can have more than four. (Note some ...
L. Scott Johnson's user avatar
2 votes

When to turn your alien power face up?

By default, alien powers are revealed after everyone has one. The rulebook does not make this clear up front, but it must be true since the other option you mention is in the Variants section on p14: ...
Benjamin Cosman's user avatar
1 vote

In Cosmic Encounter, where do my ships go when I pull them from the warp if I already have 4 ships on each of my planets?

Summary The effect that tells you to get the ships back will tell you where you can put them. Whether or not there is a limit depends on where the ships are going. Normally, this will be to one of ...
Zags's user avatar
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