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25 votes

Can an opponent folding make you go from probable winner to probable loser?

Suppose the five community cards wind up being 9♦, 10♥, 10♣, J♠, and 3♠. Then C would win with a better full house than A, but A's full house is better than B's pair of 10's. Before C folds, this ...
Michael Snook's user avatar
18 votes

How did this hand from the 2008 WSOP eliminate Scott Montgomery?

You have incorrectly identified Eastgate's hand. Montgomery's hand is AAAQ6 (Three of a Kind, Aces). Eastgate's hand is 666AA (Full House, Sixes Full of Aces). On the turn, the two remaining sixes are ...
Cantalouping's user avatar
15 votes

Three player all-in with a tie

The answer will depend on who has the most chips. Let's assume that there are 3 players, A, B and C. A has 100 chips, B has 50 chips, and C has 10 chips. All three go all-in. There will be two ...
LeppyR64's user avatar
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14 votes

Can an opponent folding make you go from probable winner to probable loser?

While I don't have the exact math to prove it, it certainly seems reasonable. The question to ask is, in the 25% of cases where C would've won, who would've had the second best hand? If the answer ...
bwarner's user avatar
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10 votes

Why does this player not have a straight?

The problem is that a straight cannot be made with an Ace in the middle of the straight. Ace can be considered either the lowest card (forming a straight with A, 2, 3, 4, 5); or the highest card (...
GendoIkari's user avatar
  • 74.9k
9 votes

Texas Hold'em: The flop vs Turn/River

The flop eliminates a majority of reasonable players because they have such a low probability of winning anything. With a dripfed board, they would stay for longer and commit more, thereby being ...
Nij's user avatar
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9 votes

In Poker, what happens with the next players if paying the big blind puts a player all-in?

Player B is considered all in and Player C must still match the full blind amount and there will just be two possible winning piles depending on who wins. If Player B wins they would win 60 chips per ...
Joe W's user avatar
  • 14.4k
8 votes

Is there a standard notation for poker games?

Yes there is a standard for notating poker games, though it's not so widely used. One of the reasons for this is doing it as a player in game is cheating, writing down the cards that have come out ...
Andrew's user avatar
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6 votes

Do you get to choose your hand, or is the highest hand chosen automatically?

In other words, do you choose how to play your hand in the end, or is the most valuable combination of cards automatically and involuntarily chosen? What a player claims to have, is irrelevant. The ...
Nij's user avatar
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6 votes

Can someone explain me why was this a split pot? texas hold'em

You get the highest possible five card combination. The remaining hole cards are lower than the A and K on the table -- best five cards then is Three of a Kind in 10s, Ace, King. Other cards are ...
Toon Krijthe's user avatar
  • 11.7k
5 votes

Texas Holdem confusion on winning hand in recent game played

While we can´t read minds, in this game player 1 wins because the best hand either player can make is two pair with Jacks and 8s (all from the community), so winner gets decided by the remaining high ...
Erik's user avatar
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5 votes

Exact Same Poker Hand: Who Wins or Tie?

Texas Hold'em counts the best five cards out of the community cards and your hand, which means the both of you have this result: A A J J 10 (Two Pair, Kicker 10) Because both of your hands are ...
TheThirdMan's user avatar
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4 votes

Splitting the pot without showing hands

This is a form of collusion, and would not be permitted in many casinos or tournaments according to their rules. A home-game or less-reputable operation may make its own rules that allow this, but it ...
Nij's user avatar
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4 votes

Is this Texas Holdem hand a misdeal?

No, the hand is not dead. Looking at Robert's Rules of poker here the following is included in rules for misdeals. In button games, action is considered to occur when two players after the blinds ...
StartPlayer's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a standard notation for poker games?

Yes, there's a notation used in all discussions and software poker related. Face value of the cards: 2-9, T, J, Q, K, A Suits of the cards: s, h, d, c So King of spades is Ks, 5 of clubs is 5c etc. ...
Galandil's user avatar
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4 votes

Use of Jokers in Poker

I don't think you'll find jokers used in live poker (against other humans) in a casino. However, there are many variations of poker played in home games that use jokers and/or other wild cards. In ...
TTT's user avatar
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4 votes

Number of possible hands in last two rounds of Texas hold-em

An explanation of how these numbers were derived is available in Johanson, Michael. (2013). Measuring the Size of Large No-Limit Poker Games. Essentially those are the number of card combinations from ...
KMR's user avatar
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3 votes

POKER - Is it best to sit out your blinds?

No. You can't re-enter on the button (or the small blind)(at least in any game run by sensible and fair people). This would require moving it past the player who has just been in the hands where they ...
Nij's user avatar
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3 votes

What bet to make in this Texas Holdem Tournament?

You had 8 big blinds. That is a spot to push pre flop (go all-in) out of position (OOP). You should be playing a wide range in that spot and could get called with a wide range. You win the bet that ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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3 votes

Reraising in no limit texas holdem

Yes. If someone bet (or reraise), other players can reraise after him. The round of bets is finish when all players either: called, fold, or bet all-in.
Cohensius's user avatar
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Texas Hold em question

Consider the best 5-card hand that each player can create from 5 cards. (Since you didn't specify the suits, this assumes that nobody can create a flush.) Players 1 and 2 have A 7 A J 5 5 5. The ...
BJ Myers's user avatar
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3 votes

What if multiple players have the same hand via using all the shared cards?

This would be a split pot if cards are revealed at show down. In Texas Hold 'Em players make the best 5 card they can from the 7 they have available. When those best 5 are the 5 community cards this ...
StartPlayer's user avatar
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3 votes

How do you determine the winner of a Texas Hold'em poker hand?

@corsica has given an excellent answer, which is extremely thorough, but isn't at the right level of abstraction (in my opinion). Here is a different way of conceptualizing the rules for people ...
Zags's user avatar
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3 votes

Do players have to match big blind if player in bb position can’t afford to match bb?

If C wants to call the BB, they have to put in 100. However, the 40 that's over B's blind of 60 is put in a side pot, and B is not eligible to win this extra money. If A folds, then there's no one ...
Acccumulation's user avatar
3 votes

Who wins this Texas hold 'em hand?

Assuming this is Texas hold 'em, then the strongest hand each player has is the full house on the board so the pot would be split. As per the article under The Showdown with relevant parts bolded. On ...
JQL's user avatar
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2 votes

Can an opponent folding make you go from probable winner to probable loser?

When player C folded, both player's chances went up. B's chances rose from 40% to 44%, while A's chances rose from 35% to 56%. What happened was that A captured "most" of C's chances. The reason is ...
Tom Au's user avatar
  • 22.3k
2 votes

Card Game Scoring System

I can't tell why you'd want to do this, but it's easy enough to do. There are 2598960 (= 52 choose 5) different 5-card poker hands, a small enough number that a computer program can quickly sort them ...
Benjamin Cosman's user avatar
2 votes

I need help to see who would of won this hand

From my knowledge of poker hands, this looks like your opponent has the best hand with the best possible 5 cards being A,A,6,6,Q. This translates to aces and sixes with a Queen kicker. This beats ...
ThunderToes's user avatar
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2 votes

Call first round of play

Are you 100% of the number of players, and that there were no other actions? The $1 sounds like the small blind (1st player) called to make its bet match the current bet. The two other players may ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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2 votes

Texas Hold ‘em Rules

Whilst this can not be exhaustive, every casino I've played in (this is UK, not USA) has had the rules on display somewhere, particularly those concern live play that can't happen on line such as '...
StartPlayer's user avatar
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