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22 votes

Scrabble - Parallel Words joined at one letter

The official rules state: New words may be formed by: Adding one or more letters to a word or letters already on the board. Placing a word at right angles to a word already on the board. The new ...
ConMan's user avatar
  • 11.7k
17 votes

In Scrabble, does a blank tile on the double/triple word square count?

Yes. It doesn't matter which tile is on the double/triple word space, if you make a word while placing a blank tile on one of these squares, your word score is still doubled/tripled. From the official ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 15.1k
16 votes

What is the highest achievable score in Catan

The game ends when you reach 10 points on your turn, so if you are playing with 5 or 6 players you could easily get high then 10 on the special build phases so it would be closer to the maximum number ...
Styxsksu's user avatar
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15 votes

Carcassonne: how to score city points when tied

When multiple players score a feature, each player gets the full amount. There is only one way to score a feature, and if the rule says that each player scores that feature, each player will get the ...
Hackworth's user avatar
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13 votes

Do you score for all smaller words within the long one in the same move in scrabble?

You only score each tile in a word once, where a word is the full sequence of letters added or modified in each column or row by your tile placement. If you check the scoring example in the official ...
Ken Herbert's user avatar
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11 votes

What if two players are eligible for the Express bonus?

The rules, p7: If several players are tied for the longest path, they each receive the 10 point bonus from the European Express card.
Benjamin Cosman's user avatar
11 votes

How to score for claiming routes in Ticket to Ride: Europe

It seems you have some misunderstandings regarding how to play Ticket To Ride: Europe. You cannot ever claim more than one route in your turn. You can do one, and only one, of these actions in your ...
Cesar M's user avatar
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10 votes

What is the highest achievable score in Catan

Although the maximum is 22 points, this is not possible in a real game, because the game stops as soon as one player has 10 or more points. So we need to find the maxium number of points that can be ...
Toon Krijthe's user avatar
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9 votes

Rubber bridge: when must honours be declared in order to be scored?

From Law 76 in the American Contract Bridge League laws, Honours may be claimed until the next hand has been dealt or the rubber has been completed and scored – whichever comes sooner. Law 78 also ...
Nij's user avatar
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9 votes

Scoring first word with all 7 letters

You get both. In fact, there are three bonuses that you can get on your first turn, evaluated in this order: Double letter score (if you play your word such that it hits one of the double letter ...
Zags's user avatar
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8 votes

Does my Scrabble play have to be all adjacent tiles?

No, they need only be in a single line. For example, your EYE is allowed. The official Scrabble rules has this legitimate example for playing FARM across a previous play of HORN:
L. Scott Johnson's user avatar
8 votes

Why did we get a higher score for making a lower (doubled) contract?

Why shouldn’t it work that way? Your opponents thought they could set 3H. You not only made but made an overtrick! Overtricks are huge points in doubled contracts for good reason - they’re an ...
Joe's user avatar
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7 votes

How to score the Southampton to New York route in Ticket to Ride UK?

Nothing extra. 40 points is the amount gained for a 10-car route. The progression of the number of points earned per car is roughly linear. Length Points PerCar Maps ------ ------ ------ ------...
ikegami's user avatar
  • 47.7k
7 votes

How do you count runs in cribbage during play

Seven. Scoring during pegging is performed after each card is played, based on the list of cards thus far. After playing the "2" you score three; after playing the ace you score an additional four. (...
Sneftel's user avatar
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7 votes

Scoring when two triple word squares are covered in one play

If you cover two triple word scores in a single play, you mutliply your score by 9. From the scrabble rules: If a word is formed that covers two premium word squares, the score is doubled and then ...
Zags's user avatar
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7 votes

Go - How does one count territory in these scenarios?

For each intersection, ask yourself if it belongs to white or black. The issue with your examples is that the games are not finished yet. You should keep playing until you can answer the question ...
Christophe's user avatar
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7 votes

Is there a long-term scoring system for 4 or 5 players who have played the same game repeatedly?

There's a relatively direct translation of the Elo rating system to multi-players: just treat each game as a set of games between each pair of players, with each pair having a winner and a loser based ...
L. Scott Johnson's user avatar
7 votes

Alternate spellings in Scrabble

Presuming both spellings appear in the agreed authority (in case of a challenge), your example would be scored the same way as adding "s" to make a plural or present tense from a previously ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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7 votes

Go ending. Why do players stop?

This is anwered by 'gennan' here: Why players don’t try to occupy opponent’s territory with living group of stones at the end of a game? When using territory scoring (points for empty intersections ...
Weather Vane's user avatar
6 votes

What is considered a good score in Scrabble?

I checked out the recent NASPA 2016 North American Scrabble Championship playlist on Youtube which had ten videos of late round games. I've put the scores of those videos below. Note that competitive ...
corsiKa's user avatar
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6 votes

Scoring Attractions in Ticket to Ride: New York

The rules say Finally, each player scores one point for each Tourist Attraction that is connected to one or more of the Routes they claimed. In your example, there are three Tourist ...
ikegami's user avatar
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6 votes

Carcassonne: how to score city points when tied

Interpreting the sentence as regular English, and comparing it with the official rules in other languages, lead me to believe that all players get 10 points. There's no splitting involved. Here is the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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5 votes

How would this seki be scored at the end of the game?

Both the black and white stones are alive, so no points are scored for either side here.
TimK's user avatar
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5 votes

Alive strings inside a string?

Summary It does not matter if a group is “surrounded” (which is hard to define); all that matters for the score is enclosed vacant points. The rules Vacant points only connected to stones of one ...
PJTraill's user avatar
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5 votes

Knock when opponent has 0 deadwood

It's an undercut. Player B wins the difference between the counts plus an undercut bonus. From Pagat: If the knocker did not go gin, and the counts are equal, or the knocker's count is greater than ...
Cohensius's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the purpose of bonus points in Gin Rummy?

The most common way of betting money on Gin Rummy (according to this site) is to choose a rate per point (say $1) that the loser pays the winner - e.g. if you lose 70 to 220, you pay $150. When you're ...
Benjamin Cosman's user avatar
4 votes

Scoring when two triple word squares are covered in one play

If you cover multiple bonus squares, all of their effects are applied -- multiple letter modifiers first, and the full word score added up, then all multiple word modifiers are applied. That means ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a canonical way of placing the scoring meeple to signify having gone round the scoring track?

The official, pre-expansion rule to keep track of 50 points was to lay down the scoring meeple like a farmer. Start of page 4 of the official rules (pdf): Note: if your score passes 50 points, lay ...
Hackworth's user avatar
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4 votes

Will any route (built without a destination ticket) be counted as points?

You score points for EVERY route you claim, based on its length (length 1 is 1 point; length 2 is 2, 3 is 4, 4 is 7, etc), at the time that you claim it. Destination cards are awarded (or penalized) ...
The Chaz 2.0's user avatar
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4 votes

Carcassonne: how to score city points when tied

Z-Man Games English rules for the current edition (p. 5, bottom of page): If there are multiple meeples in a single scored feature, the player with the most meeples is awarded full points and all ...
ilkkachu's user avatar
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