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2 votes

How can a TCG player overcome "short term memory overload"?

There's several things you can do to help memory and evaluation: In the broadest cases, write things down. In Magic the Gathering, spells like Thoughtseize take a little longer at high level play, ...
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How can a TCG player overcome "short term memory overload"?

First, particularly when you have to make such decisions many times over the course of a tournament, physical fitness is important, and so is eating and drinking the right thing before playing. Second,...
Alexander Woo's user avatar
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Is there a complete study on the statistics to bid?

Most of the study was made on Spade's "bigger brother" Bridge, however some work has been done on Spades as well. At 2020, during my ph.d I wrote a paper called Bidding in Spades. If you ...
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How can a TCG player overcome "short term memory overload"?

One big thing to develop is a set of heuristics. A heuristic is basically any simplification that will tend to steer you in the right direction. Some examples of heuristics for a TCG like Magic might ...
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