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7 votes

Is it ever advantageous to pretend to be the "hidden" team if you are on the majority team?

Specific games can differ, but generally in games like these the "bad team" all know the members of the bad team. Therefore pretending to be a bad guy only decieves your allies, and convinces everyone ...
Arcanist Lupus's user avatar
7 votes

Can't play bluffing game like Avalon or Were

I'll ignore One Night Werewolf for now and focus on Avalon and more typical mafia games. To begin with, something that you may be overthinking: Not everyone is expected to bluff or lie. For the basic ...
Comic Sans Seraphim's user avatar
4 votes

What is the use of Lady of the Lake card in avalon?

It is to enable players to get more information about each other out in the open. If it starts out on a good player they can use it to help identify other good players. On the other hand if it starts ...
Joe W's user avatar
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2 votes

Can't play bluffing game like Avalon or Were

The bluffing/lying stems from the major premise of most of these games: an uninformed majority against an informed minority. If everyone knew the teams, the majority would just win every vote (and ...
The Chaz 2.0's user avatar
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2 votes

Additional/Made up roles in Resistance or Resistance avalon

We have quite an avid group (one player logged his thousandth game last month) and have experimented with quite a few alternative roles. Some are well known on BGG, some we've created or tweaked. I ...
Red's user avatar
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