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Toon Krijthe's user avatar
Toon Krijthe
  • Member for 13 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • 's-Gravenzande, Nederland
56 votes

Can a settlement disrupt roads in Settlers of Catan

50 votes

Which board game is this token from with a number on the front and "SW" on the back?

46 votes

Can other pieces capture a threatening piece and prevent a checkmate?

40 votes

Can I Nope a Defuse?

28 votes

Last turn in Ticket to Ride: clarification

26 votes

Munchkin: Charity: Giving cards to someone who has 5 already

24 votes

In Stratego, what happens if in the setup a player puts all six bombs in the front row but not behind the lakes?

23 votes

Which game is this six-sided die with two sets of runic-looking plus, minus and empty sides from?

19 votes

Can I conduct an auction to sell my property?

16 votes

How do I score this field in Carcassonne?

15 votes

Can I begin a turn when there is only 1 card remaining in the player deck?

14 votes

Chance card in monopoly

13 votes

Interesting boardgames to play with children

12 votes

What components does "everybody" have?

12 votes

What are the requirements to build a city?

12 votes

Diplomacy - failed attack

11 votes

If I drive through a pit, do I die?

11 votes

In Robo Rally, do robots that get pushed onto a conveyor by a pusher also move via conveyor?

11 votes

Settlers of Catan : "Can we build after rolling a 7"

10 votes

Games that have no element of luck.

10 votes

Monopoly : What to do when a player doesn't want to sell?

10 votes

What is the highest achievable score in Catan

10 votes

Nope card following a chain of Attack Cards

10 votes

Is sharing your ports with other players legal?

10 votes

What is the name of this pyramid game?

9 votes

Microbot Alpha: how far does it consider others Microbots?

8 votes

Seafarers - Ships over Ports?

8 votes

What cooperative board games are there that I could safely play with my wife?

8 votes

What are some good tactics for the early game in Risk?

8 votes

Are there differences between the different country's editions of Cards Against Humanity?

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