Minion ReflectorMinion Reflector and Doubling SeasonDoubling Season are out, and then you play 1x Kalonian Hydra. http:// Hydra.aspx?multiverseid=370766
What happens when the token hydra(s) with haste attack? HowHow many counters do theythe Hydras wind up with?
If you would be so kind as to walk me through it step by step, I'd appreciate it. There'sThere's a few guys in the office and they want to prove their rightness by talking loudly and faster, so I can't quite follow what they're trying to say.
I'm thinking that there will be 2x token hydras created, and the final total will be ?? (56? 40?) +1/+1 counters on each of the 3 Hydras. TheyThey think there will be 72 +1/+1 counters. Am I right? Are they right? Is there a different number?
Here's how I think it plays out:
Kalonian Hydra hits the battlefield with 8x counters because of Doubling Season (see the page, it's a ruling).
Minion Reflector kicks in and creates the token copy.
Doubling Season kicks in, replacing the 1 token copy with 2 token copies.
Doubling Season plays out the same for the token as the original because the hydra is a 0/0 coming into play with 4 counters because it says so on the card, so now there are 2x tokens with 8 counters.
4.5) So far me and the guys in the office are all in agreement here, but then it starts to change.
- So far me and the guys in the office are all in agreement here, but then it starts to change.
The 2x Hydras with haste attack another player.
Their doubling abilities trigger (keyword trigger, right?) to double the counters on all of the other hydras. Each Hydra has 8 counters at this point of time, so would get 8 more if this is where it stopped, and would wind up at 16 counters.
6.5) I think the important difference in calculations is if the doubling abilities all trigger at the exact same time, or if they somehow go on the stack.
- I think the important difference in calculations is if the doubling abilities all trigger at the exact same time, or if they somehow go on the stack.
The Doubling Season replacement effect doubles the number of counters placed on the hydras. They all have 8, and would get 8 more. Doubling Season says they have 8 and will get 16 more, for a total of 24.
Step 7 happens for each hydra, in this case 2, because only 2 hydras are attacking. Each Hydra gets 16 counters from each other hydra, for a total of 8 + 16 + 16 = 40
8.5) I'm not clear on their math, otherwise I'd explain it. The guys at the office say that the Hydras wind up with 72 counters. I think the biggest crux is 6.5 and when the triggers occur and what values they operate on.
- I'm not clear on their math, otherwise I'd explain it. The guys at the office say that the Hydras wind up with 72 counters. I think the biggest crux is 6.5 and when the triggers occur and what values they operate on.
I'm new to Magic, been playing less than a year, and I mostly play casual play, so break it down Barney-style if you could :D