In the global version, the U.S. pre-war points are as follows:
Eastern U.S., 20 points.
Central U.S. 12 points.
Western U.S. 17 points.
Caribbean (Mexico, Central America, West Indies): 3 points.
Total, 52 points, which is the starting economy.
After the war begins, there are three bonuses:
Western U.S. intact, 40 points.
Central and Eastern U.S. intact, 20 points.
All three Caribbean territories in U.S. hands, 5 points.
Total bonuses: 65 points.
GrandSub Grand total:117 points.
There are also another 15 bonus points in the Pacific that the U.S. may or may not be able to get.
Philippines: 5 points.
Holding both Alaska and Mexic: 5 points.
Holding four island chains: 5 points.
Grand total: 132 points.
Some versions of the rules confuse the issue by saying only 30 points bonus for the Western U.S. in Axis and Allies Pacific, but this map makes it clear that it's 40. That is, it shows 10 IPCs for the U.S. prewar, and 50 IPCs (an addition of 40), after war begins.