Back to your specific example, this evaluates 5332 distribution as (+1+1) - (-1) = +3 points better than a 4333 hand; but only 1 point better than a 4432 distribution - from 4432 to 5332 one has lost a four card suit to gain the five bagger.
Here are overall evaluations for some frequent hand distributions:
- -1 4333
- +1 4432
- +2 5332
- +2 4441
- +3 5422
- +3 5431
- +4 5440
- +4 6322 w/o 2+ fit from partner
- +5 6322 w/ 2+ fit from partner
A reminder - this system is a means of assessing the potential for establishing length tricks due to the intrinsic shape of the hand. This is absolutely not an acceptable or accurate means of assessing ruffing potential in the hand with shorter trumps.