One drops are nearly useless in multiplayer, since they represent an even smaller fraction of the damage that you need to do over the course of a game. A 2/1 for one mana can deal one tenth the necessary damage to win a duel, but with 4+ opponents it is only dealing one fortyith that damage.
If the card doesn't provide mana (Birds of Paradise), make everyonseeveryone sacrifice a creature (Innocent Blood), tutor (Vampiric Tutor), or draw lots of cards (Land Tax) then it probably isn't worth playing. There are of course exceptions of, cards that do scale well (Soul Warden) in multiplayer, but in general most cards below 4 CMC don't do much in multiplayer, creatures especially. You are almost always going to be able to out class your opponents decks if you play with zero 1-drops, so that when the mid/late game hits you are drawing higher quality spells.