What is "ICM" in Poker Texas Hold'em?
I want to know some mathematical equations in answers on this question, because this part is important for me.
The Independent Chip Model (ICM) is a way of calculating the right decision when playing the bubble in Texas Hold'em tournaments.
Three players:
A = Player 1's Stack
B = Player 2's Stack
C = Player 3's Stack
T = Total chips in play
(A * 0.5 + B * (A * 0.3 + C * 0.2) / (A + C) + C * (A * 0.3 + B * 0.2) / (A + B)) / T
ICM assumes that each player's chance to win, ability being equal or indeterminable, is proportional to his/her stack size. Chances to come in other positions can be calculated conditionally, allowing an assessment for each player of their equity at any point.
There's a reasonably good explanation (with some equations) here and a calculator to play with here.