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Questions tagged [alien-frontiers]

Yahtzee meets worker-placement... in space! Roll your ships (dice), then place them to gain resources, loot alien artifacts, found colonies, and crush your opponents.

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1 answer

Does the ship saved by the Bio Integration Circuit get rolled on the turn the Circuit is used?

The Bio Integration Circuit says: Discard at the beginning of your turn to reclaim your ship docked at the Terraforming Station instead of returning it to the stock. Reclaimed ship goes to ...
PotatoEngineer's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Alien frontiers: how many fields in a single territory?

While playing Alien frontiers, if a field is already placed on a territory, am I allowed to place another field on the same territory?
473183469's user avatar
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How many times can Proxima Cenatauri Scholars use its owner benefit?

I am a bit confused about the owner benefit for Proxima Cenatauri Scholars. The Scholars may not place or removemore than one field generator per turn. Does this mean : a) the Scholars can only ...
Hamish's user avatar
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Which Factions sharply change the way that Alien Frontiers plays out?

I've picked up the Factions expansion for Alien Frontiers, and have played a single game with it. I ended up with the Proxima Centauri Scholars, which have the ability to place the various Fields once ...
PotatoEngineer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can you combine the Orbital Teleporter's ability with other Alien Tech cards?

Consider the following: I have an Orbital Teleporter and a Stasis Beam I roll 5,5,6 I have 3 ore I place the 6 at the Solar Array to claim 3 energy, then use the Orbital Teleporter to move the 6 to ...
PotatoEngineer's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can you ever get a player down to just 2 ships?

Alien Frontiers has been carefully designed to prevent any player from being reduced to two ships: you can't use the Terraforming Station (which converts one of your ships into a colony) if you only ...
PotatoEngineer's user avatar
3 votes
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When should I stop retaliating?

This frequently comes up when I play Alien Frontiers: both the Burroughs Desert (for its relic ship) and the Holographic Decoys are hotly-contested commodities. (Yes, it's a bit silly to use the ...
PotatoEngineer's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I catch up in Alien Frontiers?

If I've fallen behind in Alien Frontiers, how can I catch up? If the leading player(s) have more ships and colonies on the board, they're going to pull ahead even faster, so that an early lead turns ...
PotatoEngineer's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

In Alien Frontiers, how does Raider's Outpost work after a ship has been teleported to another Orbital Facility?

Scenario setup: A player uses the Raider's Outpost by docking a 3-4-5 set of ships. Same player uses an Orbital Teleporter to move the 5 ship to another Orbital Facility. Do the 3 and 4 ships remain ...
Todd's user avatar
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