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Questions tagged [cargo-noir]

A auction-based boardgame from Days of Wonder, in which players bid on illicit cargos at exotic ports. By making sets of cargo types it is possible to gain victory points. It has cool little boats.

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3 votes
2 answers

Cargo Noir: How to prevent Macao Black Market from going stale

We played Cargo Noir last night for the first time and we found that by the end of the game, half the cargos in the black market had been there from the start. When you are at Macao, you can swap or ...
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5 votes
1 answer

Is it valid to bid on a cargo with zero coins?

In Cargo Noir, when one sends ships to the ports to bid on the cargo there, is it valid to bid zero coins? The wording of the rules in various places seems to expect that at least one coin is always ...
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