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Questions tagged [starfarers-of-catan]

An competitive exploration / negotiation game for 3 or 4 players. Each player assumes control of a race of space explorers and harvests resources, negotiates trades and avoids space pirates to be the first to win 15 victory points and the Galactic Council Ambassador post.

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3 votes
1 answer

Starfarers of Catan game mechanics

I'm looking to speed up turns and overall gameplay in Starfarers of Catan without reducing victory point milestones. Is it feasible to play the game without event cards if the black ball is given a ...
Beerhunter's user avatar
5 votes
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Is Starship Catan similar enough to be considered a two-player adaptation of Starfarers of Catan?

I've played Starfarers of Catan(BGG|Wikipedia) once and loved it. Usually, I only have one other to play board games with. I'd like to know how similar Starship Catan(BGG|Wikipedia) is so I can decide ...
Firefeather's user avatar
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