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In Go, a joseki is a common pattern of moves that leads to a locally even result. Usually focused on the corners during the opening.

2 votes

3-4 point joseki - wide double-pincer

I don't know this joseki, but I'd guess black should try something else instead, possibly before 13. …
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5 votes

4-4 pincer variant - not in joseki dictionary

White deviation from joseki was a mistake. Let's study why. First, one correct variation: $$Wm1 $$ ---------------- $$ . . . . . . . . | $$ . . . . . . . . | $$ . . O 3 O O 7 . | $$ . … Thus, black is less heavy, and the variation is a little bit worse for white than joseki. …
mafu's user avatar
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4 votes

4-4 high approach joseki incomplete?

First of all, simply playing joseki does not mean the result will be even (or even good for you) on a given board. … A joseki is a sequence that is considered as often optimal given a particular situation. If the situation changes, a joseki which was fine before might suddenly become a terrible choice. …
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12 votes

Where can I find a good Joseki database?

Kogo's Joseki Dictionary Kogo's Joseki Dictionary is certainly the best known resource in the west. … It's an SGF file that contains a huge list of common and uncommon joseki moves including some comments, some even with the game where they occurred. …
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8 votes

Where can I find a good Joseki database?

There are a few tools (like a joseki quiz) rarely found anywhere else. …
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6 votes

Corner variation which is not in Josekipedia

This in effect means that white's early hane is superior to joseki, which is impossible by definition. Accordingly, returning to joseki is not sufficient as a refutation of the deviation. … This is an (uncommon) joseki. So sum this up, we still have not found a viable refutation. …
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2 votes

4-4 high approach joseki question

I have never seen Black 5 in any joseki book, but I'm sure I've seen it in my games. …
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1 vote

Why is this NOT joseki?

I learned it in a book by Yilun Yang (Whole Board Thinking in Joseki). Basically, it is a move that moves white out very steadily (i.e. slowly). … Either way you don't have to worry about it, really - if your opponent plays W4, deal with it as you would anyway (remember that a non-joseki move can be good sometimes, and also that a joseki move can …
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2 votes

What is the meaning of this Joseki continuation?

This is a usual idea when playing this joseki. …
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1 vote

Having started a small avalanche, what does one do with an undefended cutting stone?

In some other joseki that look (vaguely) similar, it is actually the correct move. The underlying reason why the order was wrong becomes visible if we compare with the joseki move. … That is why, in the joseki, white will need to offer a trade, losing two stones but capturing the stone at B1. (There is a ladder involved etc., but those are details.) …
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