Neither vulnerable in duplicate, South opened 1 diamond. West doubled for takeout with (s) QJTx (h)Kxxx (d) T (c) K9xx.
Spades | QJTx |
Hearts | Kxxx |
Diamonds | T |
Clubs | K9xx |
(All x's are seven or lower.) This was a tournament game so all players were experts or better.
I wouldn't have doubled with that holding. West counted 12 points, taking the singleton diamond as three points. I don't like to make takeout doubles with only 12 points, preferring 13-14 (after distribution), because 12 is the minimum South will likely have. Also, I deducted one point for an aceless hand, making it 11. N-S bid (and made) 5 diamonds, in part because the double located the King of clubs, that North's ace was behind.
Did West make a solid takeout double? Or am I right to consider it "light?" One consideration: this was a duplicate match, and I play mostly rubber. So could the takeout double be right for one type of game and wrong for the other?