No, you cannot tap non-basics for mana unless they have an ability that specifically says otherwise.
Basic lands are handled with a special case in the rules:
305.6 The basic land types are Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, and Forest. If an object uses the words “basic land type,” it’s referring
to one of these subtypes. A land with a basic land type has an
intrinsic ability to produce colored mana. (See rule 406, “Mana
Abilities.”) The land is treated as if its text box included,
“Tap.gif: Add [mana symbol] to your mana pool,” even if the text box
doesn’t actually contain text or the card has no text box. For Plains, [mana symbol] is {W}; for Islands, {U}; for Swamps, {B}, for Mountains, {R}, and for Forests, {G}. See rule 107.4a. Also see rule 605, "Mana Abilities."