If you sort cards by collector number for MTG: Lord of the Rings, you see that almost all the white cards have collector numbers of 1-18:
But, if you scroll to the end of the list: https://scryfall.com/search?as=grid&order=set&page=5&q=%28game%3Apaper%29+set%3Altr&unique=cards
You will see a number of cards that are "out of order." So, for instance, Frodo, Determined Hero has a collector number of 289, and Saradoc, Master of Buckland has a collector number of 282. Well beyond the other 18 cards that are in "normal" sequence.
Is there a reason for this discontinuity? [Note, Frodo collector number 289 is "normal" art, there's an alternate art, with collector number 388.]