I play in a bridge "round robin" using Chicago scoring, with three other people. Call them, A, B, and C, with three different styles. A will open, say one spade with as few as ten high card points (HCP) and a 6-4 or 5-5 distribution, or 11 hcp and a 5-4 distribution using the "rule of 20." (The sum of hcp and length in the top two suits needs ot equal 20.)
B bids "Standard American."
C will never open with less than 13 hcp, sometimes passing with them, and needing 14.
Suppose I have 6 points as a responder. I will sometimes pass with A, unless I have something extra, like a fourth trump or a good sequence (KQ, or QJT), but bid with B. With C, I may shade my points down to 5 with "something extra."
In a tournament, when paired with A or C, I should disclose our unusual bidding practices, right?
But suppose I do this in a round robin when I will be partnered with A for four hands, B for four hands, and C for four hands, etc. Is this objectionable?