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Questions tagged [eldritch-horror-under-the-pyramids]

The second big-box expansion to Eldritch Horror, focusing on the mysteries of Giza Egypt

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Should investigators take Set Aside Cultists when playing with the Epidemic prelude?

When playing with Epidemic prelude After resolving setup, if Abhoth is the Ancient One, each Investigator spawns 1 Cultist Monster on a Wilderness space that does not contain a Cultist Monster. and ...
Snæbjørn's user avatar
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If condition cards run out, do investigators not gain the condition?

I believe the reference guide may imply that a card of a certain type, when not found, is simply not obtained. In this case, if it is an Illness Condition, then the investigator simply doesn't gain ...
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Can I use the Shining Trapezohedron against Epic Monsters to attempt to move them?

The trapezohedron allows the investigator to discard the chosen monster on a roll of 5 or 6. Since discarding Epic Monsters is disallowed, would a 5 or 6 result in no action while a roll of 1-4 result ...
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Does sister Mary pass with rolls of 3-6 when Blessed and 5-6 when Cursed?

The faq says Sister Mary and each other investigator on her space adds 1 to the result of each die rolled as part of an effect printed on a Condition card that has the BANE or BOON trait. This ...
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Can investigators easily avoid being stuck in the Bent Pyramid and avoid the Sanity loss from Nephre-Ka's reckoning?

This is a multi-faceted question and revolves around Nephren-Ka's reckoning which says Each investigator may move 1 space toward the Bent Pyramid. Then each investigator that did not move loses 1 ...
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3 votes
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Can I discard a spell not drawn by Magick Shoppe?

When you gain this card, immediately gain 2 Spells. Then discard 1 Spell and this card. This wording implies that I can keep both Spells and discard a previously owned Spell, but it kind of breaks ...
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3 answers

How do monsters move on local paths to side boards?

How do monsters move along local paths to traverse the side boards in expansion games such as when effects instruct players to move a monster toward investigators? For instance, a local path connects ...
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