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Questions tagged [haggis]

Haggis, is a climbing game for 2-3 players in the same family as Zheng Fen and Big Two. It borrows and recombines elements from its parent games (card combinations, bombs, scoring for cards in hand, scoring for cards collected in tricks) and mixes in equally distributed wild cards and betting that you'll be the first to empty your hand of cards.

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5 votes
1 answer

How good is the AI in the iOS port of Haggis?

I recently picked up the iOS port for Haggis. Although I own the physical version, and you can play it online at boardgamearena, playing versus the iOS AI has been my first experience with the game. ...
nine9ths's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

When to make a small bet in two-player Haggis?

In the game of Haggis, you can make a big bet (30 points) or a small bet (15 points). I've always wondered what the use is of making a 15 point bet instead of 30. If you're pretty sure that you're ...
beam022's user avatar
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