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Questions tagged [uno-flip]

Uno Flip is a game that uses a double sided deck. One size is light the other is dark. The light side plays like classic uno but the dark side has stiffer penalties for action cards like skip, reverse. An example would be that a skip on The Light Side becomes The Dark Side's Skip Everyone card!

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4 votes
2 answers

What happens when the Discard Pile is flipped and a Skip Card appears in UNO Flip?

Playing UNO FLIP!, we flipped the cards (the cards on hand, Draw Pile and Discard Pile) and now a yellow Skip Card appeared on top of the Discard Pile. Should the next person's turn be skipped or not?
Rutvi Shah's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Wild Draw Color card on top of Wild card in UNO Flip!

In UNO Flip! If someone plays a Wild card, can you next play a Wild Draw Color card on top if it? Or is the Wild card on top of the discard pile counted as all the colors?
Olimpiu Felician's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How does reshuffling the draw pile in Uno Flip! work?

When reshuffling the draw pile in Uno Flip!, do I keep the bottom card from the discard pile (as it is the last flip card meaning it is on the same color we left the dark side on so we can continue ...
Kaiden_lcfc's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Wild Draw Color Card in UNO Flip: How do we know that other person has drawn until matching color

As per UNO Flip Rules, Wild Draw Color Card – When you play this card, the next player must draw until they get a color of your choosing (no matter how many cards they have to draw to do so) and lose ...
eldos's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

In Uno Flip, which side to use for scoring when going out on a Flip card

If you go out playing a Flip card, does it flip the cards and is it the new side's points to use when calculating the score? Example: Final card is a light Flip card. Does the cards change to the Dark ...
Rebecca's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Can you see the other side of your own cards in UNO Flip?

In UNO Flip! Can you see the other side of YOUR OWN cards? Example: You are playing the light side of UNO Flip! and you want to see YOUR OWN cards on the DARK side. Are you allowed to do that?
Ayushi Agarwal's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Can I play a different colored Draw 2 Card on top of a Draw 2 Card in Uno or Uno Flip

In a three player game: - Player A plays a Yellow +2 Card - Player B picks up 2 cards - Player C plays a Green +2 Card Is player C allowed to change colors, on the basis of a punishing card?
Vinod M's user avatar
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3 answers

What happens if the first card is a Flip Card in UNO Flip?

I have a couple of questions regarding the use of the Flip card in UNO Flip. What happens if the card turned over to start the Discard pile in the beginning of the game is a Flip card? Do we then ...
Ivan Kralj's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What to do after flipping the discard pile in Uno Flip?

Uno Flip, I'm wondering what to do in this scenario: Gameplay starts, eventually someone plays a Flip Card. We flip the discard pile to the Dark Side The card that is now facing up is an Action Card, ...
Justin's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is a Wild Card considered a color match when drawing cards after a Wild Draw Color Card is played, in Uno Flip?

When the "Wild Draw Color Card" is played, the next player must start drawing cards. If they draw a "Wild Card", does it qualify as the selected Color?
ChrisP's user avatar
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1 answer

Playing a Wild Draw Color Card on top of another Wild Draw Color Card to get out of drawing cards in UNO FLIP [duplicate]

If a player lays down a Wild Draw Color Card, can the next player lay down their own Wild Draw Color Card to get out of drawing cards. I argued that this should be allowed since it's like in UNO ...
Bailey Nicole Travers's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

In Uno Flip, what color do you continue play with after a Flip card is played?

I just bought a new UNO called UNO FLIP! and in this game, we have a Light Side and a Dark Side. When we use one of the Flip Cards, we have to (according to UNO FLIP! rulebook) When you play this ...
12944qwerty's user avatar