If you rephrase your question to "Can I have 3 mana on turn 2 with a normal land and Simic growth chamber?" the answer is yes, but not if you played Simic Growth chamber on turn 1.
The concept of this lands is to have a land that sort of ramps (gets to a higher count of mana) and filters (gives you different colour options) so the drawback of it is that you lose a turn to play it, it doesn't really advance you on mana per turn, but what it does it ensures that with less cards you have more available mana.
Now there is a deck in modern that abuses the use of this lands by using amulet of Vigor, and this is where you would be able to get to 3 mana on turn 2 with those 2 lands. Turn 1, drop normal land, play amulet of vigor, turn 2 play this land, trigger of the land goes on the stack, trigger from vigor goes on the stack, you choose to resolve the land trigger last, so your land untaps, you tap it for mana (and possibly the other one) and then decide which land to bounce and you have 3 mana in your mana pool.
A deck called Amulet Titan, uses Amulet of Vigor to get these ramp to play Azusa, Lost but Seeking which allows you to play more lands per turn, which with the right combination would allow you to cast Primeval Titan on Turn 2/3.
So, as per Glorfindel's answer, No is the answer, but yes it is possible.