Which bidding system is assumed by default at Bridge Base Online (for humans)?

I asked in chat several times in different games (ten times I think) and nobody answered.

Is it Bridge base basic? Or maybe YACL?

  • Gittelman was keen to propagate his bidding theories, so I would assume Bridge Base Basic. Commented May 22, 2013 at 0:08
  • Gittelman is the founder of Bridge Base Online. Commented Nov 10, 2013 at 2:02
  • That you need to ask this question simply cements my resolve that bidding systems are table talk.
    – Sparr
    Commented Dec 6, 2013 at 18:28

2 Answers 2


Playing with random partners on BBO is pretty frustrating. You will find a lot of "advanced" players playing "SAYC" who:

  1. make minimal offshape takeout doubles
  2. make minimal (off or on)-shape takeout doubles, then freebid
  3. interpret your jumps in competitive auctions as strong
  4. "weak 2 bid" = "I have a six card suit and a bad hand"
  5. "penalty double" = "I am sad that the other side won the auction"
  6. "five hearts" = "I am in denial that the other side won the auction"
  7. 2C = "I have 17 high card points and a singleton"
  8. 4NT = universal language of love.

These bad habits aside, there's still the problem of unfamiliarity with each other's conventions, etc. My advice is: use minimal gadgetry, pass a lot, when you know that someone at the table is lying, don't automatically assume it isn't your partner, and, eventually, when you find a partner who, if not necessarily good, doesn't violate (1)-(8) above, add them as "friend" and then you can play with them the next time you are both on BBO instead of going fishing in the void.

  • How true. Sounds like bad players abound on the internet as well as in physical clubs everywhere. Commented Feb 25, 2014 at 23:21

Simple answer- No system- its an open community. If high level players like JEC don't need to specify a system why would anyone else. Partial answer- Most English speaking bridge players are American so can assume they play some sort of Standard American- they assume you are psychic so you know what they play.

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