This seems quite an obvious question, but I can't seem to find any answer around the net.
AoS rules state:
When you move a model in the movement phase, you may not move within 3" of any enemy models. Models from your army are friendly models, and models from the opposing army are enemy models.
And also
Any unit that has charged or has models within 3" of an enemy unit can attack with its melee weapons in the combat phase.
So my question is: can I move a unit at exactly 3" from an enemy unit, skip charging, and then just pile in and fight in combat phase?
This kinda sounds awkward as I can imagine an unit running toward an enemy unit, stopping at 3" (because you cannot move it within 3") and then just pile in during combat phase. So like I'd just run every time instead of charging as the odds of adding a D6 to your base movement seem better than just moving 2D6.
I think the key of this might be in that within keyword: how far from an enemy unit in practice may I end my movement? how far from an enemy unit in practice may I perform a pile in?