I am very new to go and therefore I have some problems to count the territories. In the following example (13x13) in my point of view black wins.
But I still have some questions:
Does the black territory (marked with grey) take half of the board? What's with the red marked area? Doesn't white has an eye here and hence is still alive? So how many points are there for black? 27? Or 36?
Does the white area (marked with white, right side of the board) make 23 points here? And does white get one point for the red marked area?
How to handle the blue marked area? Is it neutral territory?
During the game black caught 24 white stones and white caught 21 black stones. Do they simple add up to the total points?
We played a subset of a larger 19x19 board, so in this photo our 13x13 area is delimited by the dots.
For ease of reading, here's the same board position rendered with markdown:
$$ +-------------+
$$ |.X.X.X.XXXOX.|
$$ |X..X.XXX.XOOO|
$$ |XX.X.XOXXXO..|
$$ |.X.,XXOX.,XOO|
$$ |.XX.XO.OXXXO.|
$$ |X.XXXO,OO..OO|
$$ |..XXOOO..OOOO|
$$ |XXX.XOO..O..O|
$$ |.XO.OXO.O.O..|
$$ +-------------+