The current Ork Codex states that an Ork Warboss "is armed with a kombi-weapon with rokkit launcher". However, it also states
This model may replace its kombi-weapon with rokkit launcha with a weapon from the Shooty Weapons list.
This implies that I can arm my Warboss with a Kombi-Skorcha instead of a Kombi-Weapon with Rokkit Launcha. However, the sprue only came with a Rokkit Launcha, not a Kombi-Skorcha for the Warboss. The sprue does include a Kombi-Skorcha, but it is intended for a regular Nob, meaning the part doesn't fit.
What are my options here? Do I need to buy a different part that would fit? Do I have to make one myself? Or am I completely out-of-luck and just need to say "By the way, my Warboss has a Kombi-Skorcha" every time I play?