I'm making an app for assist player during Magic gameplay, and I'd like to add a section for drafting. But I can't find anything official, the only official source about it, is inside the comprehensive rules document, in the paragraph about Conspiracy Draft. It only say that a draft consists of three draft rounds, in which a player drafts one card in front of him, then passes the rest to the next player (in the first and third rounds the booster pack are passed on the left and on the second to the right).
And that's all.
Where I go to play, the tournament organizer has an app that sets a timer for each round, every "draft" from the same booster becomes progressively shorter, and the last two last no more than 5 s. Also, the third round is overall shorter than the first two (as a player now knows what deck he can build).
But I haven't found anything from Wizards about timing.
Are all these rules house rules or there are some guidelines from Wizards? I'd prefer to stick to those if they exists. But if they don't, how do you manage timing in your drafts?