Question: What kind of mechanic would allow players to remove cards from their constructed decks in my game?
Theory: I'm making a deckbuilding game! So, players start with a number of cards which aren't too powerful, but are necessary in the early game. They will invariably collect cards early on that are bad in the mid-late game portions of play. To increase the draw probability of good cards, you will want to prune your older bad cards. So, I need a mechanic to remove cards from play so that they are no longer in your deck.
World Building: The game has a theme of trying to get elected to an alien senate. You and your opponents are all candidates vying for power, and the cards you play are campaign staff who have different abilities. The hiring row contains new staff that you may purchase to aid your campaign.
Gameplay: At the start of the round, all players select 1 card from their hand to place face down. All cards are revealed, and effects resolve based on priority markings on the cards. Then, players take turns doing resource management (purchasing, etc.). Players then discard their hands, draw 3 cards (shuffling their discard pile into their deck as needed), and the round ends.
Attempted Mechanics: One early mechanic was a card cycle whose effects are to remove other cards from your deck. This can be a bit too slow, doesn't interact well with other mechanics, and is a little too similar to another game I've played before.
A mechanic that I like is for each card to have a "severance cost" at the bottom. The problem is, I can't figure out when this would be activated. Paying the cost as replacement of the effect meant having to use a marker to indicate your intention, because players were accusing each other of changing their mind after cards are revealed for the round. But if the marker is visible while people are selecting their cards, it gives away too much information to the other players. It was difficult for players to use the marker discretely.
I decided that maybe the firing cost could be paid once per turn during the resource management step. But then there was the issue of "Can you only fire a card you played, one in your hand, or one in your discard pile?" Each of these led to problems, especially when cards were fired from the discard pile.
What would be a possible way for cards to be removed from the deck?