When creating a custom space marine chapter i wanted to make something that was a little unique visually. Right now it doesn't really have anything that stands out so I decided to add a fast attack/cavalry like unit to add to my chapters knight like appearance.

I searched through existing Warhammer 40k mounts and found non that fit within my price range since they were pretty costly and the ones that weren't costly weren't what I was looking for visually.

I then broadened my search to the age of sigmar collection and found the vanguard-palladors.

What I wanted to know is, could a space marine fit on top of a gryph-charger from this set? And if so, would it be acceptable lore and game wise. (If I used them I would use the attack bike datasheet)

1 Answer 1


While 40K and Age of Sigmar are both technically 28mm scale models AoS tends to run a little larger than 40K.

That said the Stormcast models are a very close match to Primaris models in terms of size, so a waist up conversion for Vanguard-Palladors is possible.

Otherwise if you're wanting to use regular marines either the legs will look a little off, or they'll need more heavy conversion.

  • Alright thank you, would it be easier if I substitute the gryth-chargers for the gryph hounds set, or would they be too small for space marines to ride. I don't play Sigmar so I don't really know how they would match size wise
    – Taishoku
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 23:45
  • The Gryph-Hounds are a little too small to use for a mount without looking a little comical, although they might work for a Squats conversion
    – KMR
    Commented Jul 28, 2020 at 0:14

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