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Questions tagged [mtg-regular-rel]

for questions about handling situations within Magic the Gathering's Regular REL (rules enforcement level), used at pre-release events, Friday Night Magic (FNM) and similar.

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2 votes
3 answers

What happens if you cast a modal spell but choose illegal modes?

For example, Izzet Charm is a spell with three modes, one of which is "counter target noncreature spell unless opponent pays {2}". Suppose I cast Grizzly Bears and opponent responds with ...
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3 votes
1 answer

In Magic, are you allowed to reveal what cards you have drafted to stop others from drafting the same colors?

For example, suppose I open a [bomb Boros mythic]. I reveal it, and say "Ok guys I'm drafting Boros" (with the implication that everyone else should avoid fighting me over those colors). Is ...
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5 votes
2 answers

Should I tell opponent they can't draw a card if they try to cantrip when I have a "can't draw more than one card a turn" effect in play?

Say I have Spirit of the Labyrinth in play and opponent plays a Preordain. Spirit stops them from drawing a card, but they might simply have forgotten about it. Or they might think they need to scry 2 ...
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15 votes
2 answers

How does your opponent verify you have not more than 4 of a particular card in your deck?

Inspired by How does your opponent verify that you're able to cast a Companion card? As of time of writing the top-voted answer basically says you don't verify that the opponent can cast a Companion ...
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10 votes
1 answer

Does showing my opponent I have an effective win condition qualify as improperly determining a winner?

This question is focused on the tournament rule, IPG 4.3 Unsporting Conduct — Improperly Determining a Winner. Two players playing the Bant Nexus of Fate combo deck meet each other in a round. This ...
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4 votes
1 answer

Can a mandatory trigger be missed?

At Theros Beyond Death prerelease, I was playing with Furious Rise for the first time. It happened to me to forget about the card at the end of my turn and only remember at the beginning of the turn ...
liberforce's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it permissible to intentionally make an illegal move in order to bluff?

Imagine this situation - Alice's board: a tapped Steel Leaf Champion, Ghor-Clan Rampager in hand (which Bob knows about because of an earlier discard spell) Bob's board: Charming Prince, 8 life It's ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Can non-rule-specified items be used to mark information that is shared but closed?

There are several questions on BCG Stack Exchange that ask about information which was previously common but "vanishes", even though it can be deduced from other common information. For example, ...
Nij's user avatar
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39 votes
2 answers

Does my opponent need to prove his creature has morph?

I'm playing against an opponent who, for whatever reason, doesn't want to give away more information than they have to. (Perhaps they're trying to limit what is known about their strategy, their ...
Aetherfox's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is declining to win to burn time on the clock punishable?

Continuation of Is refusing to concede in the face of an unstoppable Nexus combo punishable? Alice's board: Jace, the Mind Sculptor @ 5 loyalty, Counterbalance, 8 lands, bunch of counterspells in ...
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23 votes
2 answers

Is refusing to concede in the face of an unstoppable Nexus combo punishable?

Alice's board: 10 lands, Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, Teferi emblem, Tamiyo, Collector of Tales, 2 Wilderness Reclamation, 15 cards left in deck, 15 life, 4 Nexus of Fate in deck Bob's board: nothing (...
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8 votes
1 answer

When the match time is called, does the current turn end immediately?

In the Magic Tournament Rules, the End-of-Match procedure says: If the match time limit is reached before a winner is determined, the player whose turn it is finishes their turn and five additional ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

What happens if both players misunderstand the game state until it's too late?

Let's take two players, Alice and Bob. Alice has a Tarmogoyf. She asks Bob what card types are in his graveyard. Bob fans out his graveyard, they do the math, and conclude Alice's Tarmogoyf is 5/6. ...
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8 votes
2 answers

Tapping a creature with summoning sickness in an equivalent play situation

This is a follow-up question to How do I handle a gameplay error when I have an equivalent play available in a tournament?. The answer to that question indicates that even though the play is ...
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12 votes
1 answer

How do I handle a gameplay error when I have an equivalent play available in a tournament?

For example, suppose I have 3 Mountains. I play another Mountain, cast Koth of the Hammer, use the +1, and attempt to attack for four. However the Mountain I target is the one I freshly played (...
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5 votes
2 answers

Drawing an Extra Card During Mulligan

Errors prior to the beginning of the game have a less disruptive option—a forced mulligan—that is not available at any other point during the game. ... If more than one excess card was drawn (...
Andrew's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Missed triggers in two-headed giant

My partner and I recently played in a Two-Headed Giant Sealed. As is the case with most multiplayer tournaments, the event was run at Regular REL. My partner has an upkeep trigger (Thopter Spy Network)...
Rainbolt's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

When must one communicate denial of a shortcut?

Anthony begins his turn by drawing a card. He then immediately turns his creatures sideways and declares "I attack with Runeclaw Bear and Alpine Grizzly." Anthony's opponent, Nathan, has 6 ...
Rainbolt's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Penalty For Skipping Priority

Sometimes when I pass my turn, my opponent simply untaps and, if nothing triggers during upkeep, they draw. This can be a major headache for me when I want to cast Mana Short after my opponent untaps ...
Rainbolt's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

At regular REL can players rewind the game state?

Suppose that at a regular REL (Rules Enforcement Level) event, you have an experienced player, and an inexperienced player, and the in-experienced player has a gideon's lawkeeper on the ...
Sam I am says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What can I do to make my opponent play faster at Regular REL?

I play low-key Magic the Gathering tournaments, like release parties and Friday Night Magic. They're good fun but I'm often stuck looking at the clock, trying to avoid a game-3 draw. I know the ...
Alex P's user avatar
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