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Questions tagged [elder-sign]

Elder Sign is a fast-paced, cooperative dice game of supernatural intrigue. Players take the roles of investigators racing against time to stave off the imminent return of the Ancient Ones. Investigators must put their sanity and stamina to the test as they adventure to locate Elder Signs to seal away the Ancient Ones and win the game.

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Elder Sign - locked dice queries

First query - can I take the locked dice from a resolved monster and use it right away to complete the rest of the adventure card it was on? Second - if I have a locked red dice on one card or monster ...
Byrnison's user avatar
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Kate Winthrop's ability stops monsters from appearing at midnight?

Mythos card revealing happens inside the player's turn? So Kate's ability stops monsters from appearing or the players turn starts after the mythos card reveal? Also do you progress the clock before ...
PhoenixGod's user avatar
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Locking Assigned Dice During Resolution Phase in Elder Sign

I came across a situation when attempting a mystery that had a terror effect that spawned a monster. The player had completed one of the tasks using the yellow die. On the next roll, the terror ...
link64's user avatar
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Elder Sign Terror Effect Timing

Terror effects are applied after a roll when you cannot complete a task and at least one of the dice shows a terror icon. Is it possible to avoid the terror effect by 'securing' the terror die on a ...
link64's user avatar
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In Elder Sign, can I use Jenny Barnes' ability to discard a spell when the mythos lingering effect bars investigators from using spells?

Can I use Jenny's ability to discard a spell to gain the dice, because discarding is not the same as 'using' a spell?
Joey's user avatar
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Who is the male investigator on the cover of Arkham Horror, Elder Sign, and Eldritch Horror?

The 30- or 40-something dark-haired male on the cover of these games appears to be the same character, but it's not clear to me which. Is it one of the in-game characters?
Joey's user avatar
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Can i cast a spell after collecting rewards for an adventure?

Page 13 says a player can only use his items, clues, spells, and allies during his own turn. Does this mean I can use a spell immediately after collecting adventure rewards, such as opening an other ...
Joey's user avatar
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Can I use a spell after I complete all the tasks?

Can I use a spell to heal all my stamina after I complete the final task?
Joey's user avatar
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In Elder Sign, can I free a focused die?

If I focus a die, can I free it and reroll it later in the same turn? The only reference I see in the rules is the following (with something similar in the faq as well): Note: A player can focus a ...
Joey's user avatar
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In Elder Sign, If I free a locked die by defeating a monster, can I use it in the same turn?

If a monster locks a yellow die, can I use an item/spell to gain that die once I defeat the monster? Also, I have not looked through the cards, but if there is a monster that locks the green die, ...
Joey's user avatar
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In Elder Sign, if you need to draw from a deck and there are no cards left, do you lose the opportunity?

There don't seem to be a large number of spell cards, and Dexter Drake can accumulate cards very fast. If the spell deck (or any other deck for that matter) runs out, do players simply lose the ...
Joey's user avatar
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In Elder Sign, does defeating a monster with a spell count as a completed task?

My understanding is that a 'completed' task is one in which you fulfill the roll requirements and thus can roll the remaining dice without discarding one as a penalty. If I use a spell to defeat a ...
Joey's user avatar
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In Elder Sign, what is the distinction between completing and defeating a task?

The faq says that Mandy Thompson's ability should read Once per day, after any player has rolled, Mandy may re- roll 2 dice before determining if the active player was able to defeat a task. The ...
Joey's user avatar
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In Elder Sign, why do multiple locks have to be resolved in order?

The rules on page 12 say For example, if there are two effects in play that lock the yellow die, the locks are addressed in the order in which they came into play: after the yellow die is freed ...
Joey's user avatar
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Elder Sign charater traits

Some of the characters' special abilities allow them to have an additional card, such as a spell card, at the beginning of their setup. What does this mean?
user7385's user avatar
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In Elder Sign, after rolling, can I do both - complete a task AND use any dice previously secured by a spell to complete a second task?

For example: I have secured dice by a spell which can complete a full task on the adventure, but, it is an adventure with an order arrow, and the secured dice are needed for the last task. Now I roll ...
user7272's user avatar
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Kate Winthrop's Immunity to All Terror effects in Elder Sign - how does it work?

The ability reads SHE is immune, however, what about Terror affects that'd add another doom token, for example? In that case, the Terror effect wouldn't directly target her, would her immunity still ...
user7272's user avatar
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Re-rolling secured red/yellow dice in Elder Sign?

It's clear from the rules that any player can use the red/yellow dice secured by a spell during their turn for resolving a task without using an Add red/yellow die Cards' effects. The rule also says, ...
user7272's user avatar
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Where can I find a list of all the cards in Elder Sign?

I'm looking for a breakdown of the common item, unique item and spell cards so I know what my chances are when buying certain cards. I've done a bit of googling and have not come up with anything.
Ben Gartner's user avatar
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In Elder Sign, does the "Bind Monster" card avoid an Ancient One effect?

When playing Elder Sign against Yig, I ran into a question I couldn't quite puzzle out from the rules and FAQ. Yig's card reads "Each time an investigator complets the task on a Cultist monster marker ...
Michael's user avatar
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How does Ithaqua's "Icy Winds" ability work with Healing Stone?

The Ancient One Ithaqua's "Icy Winds" ability reads as follows: Each time an investigator uses either a unique item or a spell, he loses 1 stamina. The unique item "Healing Stone" reads as follows:...
bengoesboom's user avatar
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How to Handle Red/Yellow Secured Dice

In Elder Signs, you can cast a spell to secure a die. Let's say this is the situation: A player needs two terror results to complete the final task in an adventure and rolls 2 green dice and the red ...
McGlone's user avatar
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May dice used to complete a task be secured?

The rules state: the player places the card faceup in front of him after rolling dice during his turn. Then he chooses one die from that roll. Without changing its result, he places the die on ...
Andrew Vandever's user avatar
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When does a special (non-green) die leave your die pool?

I just started playing Elder Sign, and the wording in the rule book made me think maybe there was some way to keep using the yellow/red die beyond the current turn, if it was unused. Is this the case?
Andrew Vandever's user avatar
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What's the relation between Mansions of Madness, Elder Sign and Arkham Horror?

What's the relation between Mansions of Madness, Elder Sign and Arkham Horror? All of them are published by Fantasy Flight Games and they are based of Cthulhu Mythos. So my question is, is it ...
Zhen's user avatar
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When can abilities be used in Elder Sign?

Some Elder Sign abilities seem really powerful in big groups. One of them allows you to re-roll 2 dice every turn, and several others do things like switching a die from Terror to Scroll, or similar. ...
Mag Roader's user avatar
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Difficulty Ranking of the Ancient Ones in Elder Sign?

Is there a list (formal or informal) of how difficult each Ancient One is in Elder Sign? Clearly, some of them have powerful static abilities (like Cthulhu) and some of them have attacks with the ...
Discord's user avatar
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Using Spells Effectively in Elder Sign

I'm a little confused about how to use spells effectively in Elder Sign. I understand that you play the spell before a task roll and then you can set aside as many dice as the spell has icons, whether ...
Discord's user avatar
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What are the differences between Elder Sign and Elder Sign: Omens?

I've played the board game Elder Sign. I have read some reviews and seen a gameplay video of Elder Sign: Omens, the iOS app based on the board game, but I haven't been able to find info on exactly how ...
Sterno's user avatar
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What are some good strategies for Elder Sign: Omens?

I recently bought Elder Sign: Omens for my iPhone, and I really like it, but it seems to be VERY difficult. Does anyone have some good strategies on how to play? Specifically: What is a good team ...
OghmaOsiris's user avatar
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In Elder Sign how does removing a monster via a card effect work?

I am trying to figure out how to resolve "Flute of the Outer Gods" and "Bind Monster". The Flute removes a monster after rolling. The Bind Monster does it at any time. Can either item/spell be used ...
Andrey's user avatar
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How can I elegantly increase the difficulty of Elder Sign?

I think there's consensus that Elder Sign is not satisfyingly difficult. The variants I've seen suggested are either too long for my taste, or don't look play-tested. Has anyone found a satisfying (...
Jesse Millikan's user avatar
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How long does it take to play Elder Sign?

This dice game version of Arkham Horror is about to be published by Fantasy Flight but a lot of gamers have already picked it up or at least demoed it at GenCon and PAX Prime. I've read a few comments ...
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