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8 votes

What can we do with a player who camps in a table top game?

There are already quite a few ways you could deal with this, some based in the rules, and some beyond the rules: As long as one of your units can see the hidden unit, it stops being hidden From the ...
Ken Herbert's user avatar
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6 votes

Warhammer Age of Sigmar moving within 3" of enemy models

I think this is pretty clear, if you trim out some of the extra stuff in those quotes: you may not move within 3" of any enemy models and has models within 3" of an enemy unit It seems clear ...
Tal's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is the Warhammer Fantasy species "Cold One" named as such?

2 reasons that I could find: It is a reference to the people that use them. Only cold-blooded people can ride them without a problem They see all warm-blooded things as prey, so they are the cold ...
Ivar de Bruin's user avatar
3 votes

Why is having shields in AoS 'optional'?

Age of Sigmar is very much designed with the "beer and pretzels" mindset. The main reason is that you may have a bunch of models without shields. If your opponent doesn't care, you can always say that ...
aslum's user avatar
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What can we do with a player who camps in a table top game?

You could take some hints from FPS games, namely games with snipers. Once a sniper gets into a strong nest, it can be hard to dislodge them since getting to them leaves you exposed and you can't ...
JonTheMon's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I add Ogre mercenaries to any army in Warhammer fantasy?

So, it actually depends on the Version you're using. On 6ed et 7ed, mercenary did exist and (at least for 6ed) ogres had a special rules that let them be purchased as mercenary for anyone except ...
LamaDelRay's user avatar
2 votes

Easy Search for Renamed Units

As of '8-25-17', coinciding with Games Workshop's "General's Handbook 2017," Warhammer Community has released updated FAQs for the Grand Alliances, as well as updated the legacy Compendiums for the ...
Dr Negative's user avatar
2 votes

Mix Daemonettes of Slaanesh and Slaves to Darkness, Warhammer AoS

Yes. Each faction lists which other factions can be taken as allies. For the Slaves to Darkness, that includes Hedonites of Slaanesh. 25.8 ALLIES Below a faction’s Pitched Battle profiles table, you ...
Caleth's user avatar
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1 vote

What and where are the rules that govern mixing units of different factions into one army? (AoS Chaos demons and Slaves to Darkness)

The "General's Handbook" Page 9, pitched battles table 1, states that armies in 1000 point battles are limited to 0-200 points in allied units, while in 2000 point battles, the limit is 0-...
Fritz's user avatar
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1 vote

Clan rat shields in skirmish

Competitive/Matched Play answer. No. They shouldn't get the save, since each individual unit is a single model. Narrativist/Open Play Answer. Yes. If it makes your game more fun, and everyone ...
aslum's user avatar
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What can we do with a player who camps in a table top game?

Houserules are supreme. If a player keeps making the game un-enjoyable for most, and you can't counter-cheese him, create house-rules that counter his tactic specifically. His strategy is indeed ...
CyberClaw's user avatar
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1 vote

What scale are Warhammer Fantasy models?

28mm heroic overall while certain races and characters are taller. Stormcast Eternals are purposely larger than human, because they're not truly human. That being said it seems many characters such ...
Justin Konchar's user avatar

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