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63 votes

How to play a quicker game of Monopoly?

First of all make sure you are following the base rules for Monopoly as there are a lot of different house rules that are used that make the game take much longer then it should. Judging on the ...
Joe W's user avatar
  • 14.4k
55 votes

In Uno, can you quickly finish a two player game by skipping your opponent's final turn and without saying Uno?

Player 1 hasn't won yet at all. They broke the rules. Uno says when it's your turn, you play a card. Then it's the next player's turn. That player might have to do something with their turn (like draw ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
37 votes

Is it an official rule that interference in Monopoly requires paying $50 to free parking?

That is a house rule as there is nothing in the base rules about communicating with other players and there is also no such thing as paying free parking. Honestly it is a rule that hurts less ...
Joe W's user avatar
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37 votes

Are "three way" trades allowed in Catan?

No (or yes, depending on how you define a single trade). The person whose turn it is can trade. Each trade is with that person and one other person. If you can accomplish what you need in a series of ...
L. Scott Johnson's user avatar
28 votes

Secret Hitler: is asking another player to choose which card to discard "cheating?"

Yes it is cheating and called out in the rules. Rules Verbal and nonverbal communication between the President and Chancellor is forbidden. The President and Chancellor MAY NOT pick Policies ...
Joe W's user avatar
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22 votes

Can you use a clue that contains a word on the board within it in an unrelated way in Codenames?

Yes, you can. While certain questions like this will be up to each play group to decide; this one is actually directly addressed in the rules. At the bottom of page 6: England and island were ...
GendoIkari's user avatar
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16 votes

How to play a quicker game of Monopoly?

Deal all the 28 properties to the two players (shuffle the deeds and then alternate properties) before the game begins. The trades occur at the beginning, and players can start building houses and ...
Tom Au's user avatar
  • 22.3k
16 votes

Is it an official rule that interference in Monopoly requires paying $50 to free parking?

This rule is a house rule, because any rule that involves putting any amount of money under Free Parking is a house rule. As @Joe W quoted: "FREE PARKING": A player landing on this place does not ...
TheHans255's user avatar
15 votes

Does Monopoly Follow Standard Auction Procedures?

If you can't bid more than once in an auction, then you would want to go last. But everyone can't do this. The standard auction procedure is to sell to the highest bidder. So if someone tops your bid,...
Tom Au's user avatar
  • 22.3k
14 votes

Choosing same color after Wild (+4) Draw 4

These rules appear to be from 2001, and these rules appear to be from 2003. Both sets of rules do not indicate any restrictions on the choice of colour after either wild. The points from both rules ...
Samthere's user avatar
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14 votes

UNO Stacking a Draw 4 Card instead of picking up 4 cards?

Not under the standard rules - there is no ability to respond to a Wild +4 (or a +2 for that matter). If the previous player to you played one of those cards, you take the cards and the turn pass. "...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
14 votes

How to play Ticket to Ride with children?

I played with my 5y old daughter using the Ticket to Ride: Europe base game and the following house rules. (We played twice; each game taking 20-30min.) The first player to complete 4 tickets wins! (...
customcommander's user avatar
13 votes

Catan setup order different than playing order

I think you have got how you work out start player wrong. You said "the second highest number goes second and so on." The rules do not state this. Looking at rules here it says :- Each ...
StartPlayer's user avatar
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12 votes

Alternative play for Splendor

I play quite a bit of Splendor, love the game, but I've never run into this problem. Do you each pay attention to the other's gameplay? (that sounds rude, but I promise it's not meant to be!) Do ...
Fellow Writer's user avatar
12 votes

How do I fix the statistical distribution of using 3 dice to handle Chance and Community cards in Monopoly?

If I understand it correctly, you're looking to generate a uniformly distributed random integer in the range 1-16 using only regular d6s. You'll need two distinguishable dice; if you don't have ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
12 votes

In Monopoly, can you save an 'advance' card to use later?

No. Cards are resolved when drawn (except for Get Out Of Jail, by explicit card text). CHANCE AND COMMUNITY CHEST When you land on either of these spaces, take the top card from the deck indicated, ...
L. Scott Johnson's user avatar
11 votes

How do the Monopoly odds change when the board is played in reverse?

The key change in reversing the direction of movement is the fact that players now leave Jail in the opposite direction. The oranges and reds are particularly profitable because they are within 1-2 ...
Nuclear Hoagie's user avatar
11 votes

In Uno, can you quickly finish a two player game by skipping your opponent's final turn and without saying Uno?

You cannot play a "Wild Card" and say "Red, draw 2" because you are only allowed to pick a colour (and not a specific card of that colour) to change the top of the discard pile to. ...
MT0's user avatar
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10 votes

Power Grid removing lowest plant if first player passes

No, this is no part of the original ruleset; the base-game rule has never changed and remains as you quoted: if nobody buys a Power Plant, then at the end of Phase 2 you discard the lowest Power Plant ...
Adama's user avatar
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10 votes

Monopoly : Is buying properties second time round a house rule or official rule?

From what I gather from your question the rule you are talking about is a house rule. In the basic rules it is intended for all properties to be sold the first time anyone lands on them. Either from ...
Joe W's user avatar
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9 votes

In Euchre, can you call a misdeal with "No ace, no face, no trump"?

This is a house rule. I have seen it played in informal games, but never among serious players. Once, I saw a person try to declare "ace, no face" in a $5 game. Since this person shared information ...
Canaryyellow's user avatar
8 votes

How to expand Love Letter to accomodate more players?

If you're really up to it, you might want to buy the Love Letter Premium Edition which lets you play with up to eight players. It might be a bit different from the Love Letter you're used to though as ...
R.K.'s user avatar
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8 votes

Do people commonly play collectible card games without shuffling?

There are variants of Magic that remove deck shuffling and other sources of non-determinism, but they also make other major modifications that make the game very different from normal Magic. One ...
murgatroid99's user avatar
  • 82.7k
8 votes

Does Monopoly Follow Standard Auction Procedures?

The rules say only "auction it to the highest bidder", which means that your group has to agree on what from of auction to use. The form you are using, where each player has only one bid, suffers from ...
Tim Lymington's user avatar
8 votes

Can a factory contain only one color or is there a rule to redraw four tiles?

There is nothing in the rules that requires a re-draw of factory tiles - it can happen, and when it does then there will be a player who gets all four of those tiles without leaving anything on the ...
ConMan's user avatar
  • 11.7k
7 votes

How to balance Dixit?

Definitions A turn consists of one player being the story teller and all other players guessing. A round consists of as many turns as there are players, so that every player has been the ...
SQB's user avatar
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7 votes

Alternative play for Splendor

I play Splendor a lot with my wife and I don't run in the problem you mention. Maybe you suffer from a "group thinking" problem. This happens when several people play the same game over and over and ...
Djaian's user avatar
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7 votes

Progressive Draw 2 and Draw 4 Uno

If you look at the base rules of the game it ends as soon as a player has no cards in their hand. Which means that the second player would not have a chance to play the draw 2 in response to the first ...
Joe W's user avatar
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7 votes

Playing Pokemon TCG with more than two players

The closest that I have found that meets your criteria and also only uses three decks (thus excluding "Two-Headed Giant") is a 3-player variant from BoardGameGeek, which was an improvement to a ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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7 votes

Tapping cards - mana pool - general questions

Under normal circumstances, you cannot forget to untap lands because it's not an optional action. As for rules enforcement in your own group: that's entirely your group's call. Untapping lands is not ...
Hackworth's user avatar
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