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Questions tagged [keyforge]

Card game featuring unique, algorithmically-generated decks. The game is won by forging three keys. Keys are forged by collecting aember throughout the course of the game. Designed by Richard Garfield, and published by Fantasy Flight Games.

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2 votes
1 answer

Can I reap (or do something other than "fight") with the Gauntlet of Command?

Consider the situation: I have a single creature and my opponent does not have any. I want to use the Gauntlet of Command on my creature: "Ready and fight with a friendly creature". But ...
Denis Gladkiy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Triggers with two mutually exclusive actions

Say I have a creature with two "On destroyed" triggers that appear to have mutually exclusive instructions: "archive that card" and "put that card on the top of your deck"...
Denis Gladkiy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Solo Scenario: Whirlpool Eddy

Card says: "Action: Stun and exhaust 1 of your creatures that is not already stunned. If all of your creatures are stunned, destroy Whirlpool Eddy and lower the tide. " What to do, if I have ...
Anon99's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the order of permanents destroying via "Destroy Them All!"?

An opponent has a creature "powered" by the Backup Copy. I play Destroy Them All! and target both the upgrade and the creature. Does the creature go on the top of the opponent's deck and why?...
Denis Gladkiy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Do I loose æmber after plaing Full Moon, then Chota Harzi?

I've got no æmber and play a Full Moon. Then I play Chota Harzi. What is my æmber count after that and why? Zero or one? It is obvious that without Full Moon being played I do not lose any æmber: ...
Denis Gladkiy's user avatar
3 votes
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Where does Hexpion go being under the Backup Copy?

I've got a Hexpion with a Backup Copy "installed" on it. The Hexpion gets destroyed. Where does it go? To archives or on the top of the deck?
Denis Gladkiy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does my creature get stunned after killing Pip Pip with a Red Planet Ray Gun?

I equip a creature with a Red Planet Ray Gun: This creature gains, “Reap: Choose a creature. Deal 1 damage to that creature for each Mars creature in play.” Afterwards I reap with that creature ...
Demento's user avatar
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Does armor prevent non-combat damage?

There are a lot of cards that deal damage to creatures. Does the target creature's armor reduce that damage, or is armor only useful in combat damage (when attacking or being attacked by other ...
Thilo's user avatar
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2 answers

Where does Æmber captured from own side go after creature leaves play?

I've got a card (Mars Needs Æmber) that has the following play ability: Play: Each damabed enemy non-Mars creature captures 1 Æmber from their own side. I was wondering what happens when this ...
Cas's user avatar
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1 answer

In Keyforge, does *Bingle Bangbang* deal the 5 damage when it attacks as well as when it's being attacked?

The card text of Bingle Bangbang says: Before Fight: Deal 5D to each neighbor of the creature Bingle Bangbang fights. Because a "fight" happens when Bingle Bangbang attacks as well as when it is ...
Stonecrusher's user avatar
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In Keyforge, what happens to the Æmber on a creature that is archived?

Vezyma Thinkdrone lets a player archive his creature which is in play (not on his hand). If in this case there is Æmber on that creature, what happens to it? Will the archiving player get it, or his ...
Stonecrusher's user avatar
1 vote
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In Keyforge, does an attacked, exhausted creature deal damage to the attacking creature?

The Fight rule says: Each of the two creatures deals an amount of damage equal to its power (the value to the left of the card’s title) to the other creature. However, if the attacked creature ...
Stonecrusher's user avatar
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Is each card equally likely to be a Maverick?

I have been reading a bit on deck composition and this question popped up in my head: can any card be a maverick or is it only few, "exciting" cards? Obviously the maverick rate is minuscule ...
posdef's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there any restrictions on which houses can be combined in a deck in Keyforge?

I keep finding myself speculating which house combos are cool and would be optimal to play with. But at the same time both my decks and my friends decks are extremely similar in house compositions (...
posdef's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Look at card under Masterplan?

Masterplan is a shadows artifact that reads: Play: Put a card from your hand facedown beneath Masterplan. Omni: Play the card beneath Masterplan. Sacrifice Masterplan. Am I allowed to look at the ...
Marc N's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Does Neutron Shark cause me to discard, even after destroying itself?

If Neutron Shark destroys itself due to its own Play/Fight/Reap effect, how much more of its effect resolves? Does it just stop? Does it discard, then stop? Or can it even repeat after it’s destroyed?
Andrew Vandever's user avatar
3 votes
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If Bad Penny is destroyed by Yxilo Bolter's Fight/Reap effect, where does it go?

When Bad Penny is destroyed, it goes back into my (its owner's) hand. But if Yxilo Bolter destroys it due to its Fight/Reap effect, it is purged. In this case, which effect "wins"?
Andrew Vandever's user avatar
2 votes
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If an effect destroys multiple creatures, in what order are they destroyed?

If I use a card like Gateway to Dis to destroy multiple creatures, how do we decide in which order they are destroyed, what effects can be applied, and in what order they land in the discard pile?
Andrew Vandever's user avatar
2 votes
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Does "one non-Logos card" on Phase Shift limit me, or just enable me?

If I play 2 Phase Shifts in the same turn, can I play two non-Logos cards? If I play Wild Wormhole, resulting in playing a non-Logos card, can I still use Phase Shift to play another non-Logos card?
Andrew Vandever's user avatar
1 vote
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Can Pawn Sacrifice deal 6 damage to a single creature?

If my opponent plays Pawn Sacrifice while he and I each have one creature, mine being power 5, first he sacrifices his creature, then he deals 3 damage to mine. Does the second instance of damage also ...
Andrew Vandever's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Does Skirmish apply to both attacking and defending?

We're a bit confused about the Skirmish ability. The helper text on Quixo the "Adventurer" says the following: Skirmish. (When you use this creature to fight, it is dealt no damage in return). We'...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I play/use a card that can't fully resolve?

Some cards (e.g. Anger - "Ready and fight with a friendly creature.") say to do multiple things. What if not all of those things are possible (e.g. if my opponent has no creatures for me to ...
Andrew Vandever's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

If I have only one creature in play, is it on a flank?

Many cards (e.g. Valdr, Hand of Dis) reference creatures that are, or are not, on a/the flank. If I only have one creature in play, is it considered to be on a flank?
Andrew Vandever's user avatar