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Questions tagged [munchkin]

A light hearted card game for 3 to 6 players about fighting monsters, collecting loot and being the first to ascend to level 10.

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4 votes
1 answer

Can you equip an item you cannot use?

In Munchkin, can you equip an Item even if its bonus doesn't immediately apply. For example, if I'm an elf, can I equip the Bad-Ass Bandana as headgear? The strategy would be to remain an elf as long ...
Edward Brey's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Always charm a Monster discarding my whole hand? having 4+cards

As a Wizard I have 5 cards in my hand. In order to charm the monster am I obligated to discard my whole hand of 5 cards or could I discard just 3 or 4 cards from my hand? It is not clear that you ...
Giorgos Emmanouil's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

In Munchkin, do you level up after breaking down a door, if you don't kill a monster?

Take the following sequence of events: I break down a door and pickup a door card which is not a monster. I loot the room and pick up a card and put it in my pack. No other players take any action. I ...
Jordan Morris's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Warhammer Munchkin Boggleeye uses all your one shots on itself?

The Boggleeye says that it uses all your one shots with a combat bonus to help itself. Does that include one shots that would normally only give a combat bonus to a munchkin? It would seem to me that ...
Charles Clark's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can a player use the Wand of Dowsing card during a combat which is not his?

During a combat I had, a player played a blue card (Wand of Dowsing) and selected a card in the pile that would cancel the combat that I was having. Is that legal ? The "Wand of Dowsing" ...
Orlyyn's user avatar
  • 261
3 votes
1 answer

Does a Wizard gain treasures from a charmed monster AND flee a second monster during the same combat?

During a combat, I was first fighting a monster of level 6, that I could easily beat. Then, a player added a monster to the combat of level 18, that I couldn't successfully beat. So, as a Wizard, I ...
Orlyyn's user avatar
  • 261
5 votes
1 answer

Munchkin - can you put cards which you cannot use sideways

In the card game of Munchkin (or Munchkin Zombie) I've seen people put some cards on the table sideways. Usually, they can't use those cards for some reason like it's not for their class or they ...
Cezary Butler's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

In Munchkin, can someone who doesn't participate in a combat play cards that benefit a player who is fighting a monster?

This situation happened in our friendly game where 2 players had feelings for each other and were keen on helping each other. Because we already had a house rule in play that limited the amount of ...
MiKri's user avatar
  • 9
3 votes
1 answer

Dwarven Ale curse Munchkin

We have a dwarf player who got Dwarven Ale as curse that gives him +4 on battle (only for Dwarfs). But he got temporary amnesia on the next turn. And he forget that he is a Dwarf. Our question is: ...
Ultima Distant's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can I use Secret Invasion to transfer a trap card in front of me to another player?

In a game of Munchkin: Marvel Edition, a trap is played on me that says I get -5 in my next combat, an additional -5 at night and an additional -5 if it’s raining for a whooping -15 to my next combat. ...
Austin Murray's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Munchkin Warhammer 40k - Running Away - Automatic Escape vs Automatic Failure

I recently played a game of Munchkin Warhammer 40k. In the middle of a fight I was losing, I was cursed with a "Can't Locate the Astronimican" which I responded by playing a "Tactical Rearward ...
Dave Smylie's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Players turn was skipped, go back and allow that person to play out of order or continue on?

Towards the end of a large game of munchkins with a good amount of alcohol consumed, a player’s turn was somehow completely skipped. This player also somehow didn’t realize that he was skipped until ...
Jonathan Riley's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Is it okay / does it make sense for another player to join a running game of Munchkin?

In a "just for fun" session of the card game Munchkin, would it be okay to join a game in progress? Of course the joining person would be in a disadvantage. Arguments against this, as far as I can ...
Christian's user avatar
  • 301
3 votes
1 answer

What are the four Dutch exclusive cards in Munchkin Koethulhu?

Munchkin Koethulhu, the Dutch language version of Munchkin Cthulhu, consists of the translations of Munchkin Cthulhu, Munchkin Cthulhu 2: The Call of Cowthulhu, and Munchkin Cthulhu 3: The Unspeakable ...
SQB's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Is cheating allowed in Munchkin?

I have been disputing with my friends lately about the fact that the creators of Munchkin intended for people to cheat or not. By cheating I mean doing anything the rules say you can't do or that is ...
Elias Rowan Albatross's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Does "-5 on your next combat" include helping someone?

So this was a huge dispute a while back and still is. If you play a curse or trap on someone that gives a “-5 on your next combat” would you consider your next combat to be the one on your next turn ...
Azu's user avatar
  • 101
7 votes
2 answers

Helping without being asked, is this legal?

My brother and his friend were playing Munchkin Legends, and my brother helped him when it wasn't asked of or needed. He then stated that he was in the battle, and he tried to run away, even though he ...
Billy Bob Joe's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Is rolling to escape a monster required?

In some cases, the Bad Stuff of a monster may actually be beneficial, for instance dying to draw new cards, if you were dealt bad cards at the start. But is rolling required to let the monster take ...
Bendik August Nesbø's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Stealing a "play at any time" item as a thief in Munchkin?

A thief went to steal the Demonic Wishing Eye (Adventure Time Munchkins) by discarding a card and then declaring "I am going to steal the demonic wishing eye". The Demonic Wishing Eye has the "PLAY ...
Iddis's user avatar
  • 81
20 votes
3 answers

Does "Income tax" count as a Curse or Bad Stuff that will remove "Chicken on your head"?

If I choose to lose my headgear due to Income Tax, does that qualify as an event that would take the chicken with it? The cards say: Income Tax: Discard one item of your choice. Every other ...
Weckar E.'s user avatar
  • 464
1 vote
2 answers

Can a thief steal if he can't equip the item?

If a thief is already wearing a hat in Munchkin, is it possible that he can attempt to steal someone else's hat, even if he can't wear it? What about if he sells it immediately?
ruckus's user avatar
  • 107
7 votes
1 answer

Income Tax and Halflings

Income Tax curse: Discard one item of your choice. Every other player must now discard an item or items, totaling at least as much value as the item you discarded. If they don't have enough to pay ...
NonlinearFruit's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Will a Wandering Giant Skunk prevent the combat participation of an already committed helper?

This situation came up last weekend: Player Alice is in combat with monster X and losing. Player Bob offers to help and together they're beating monster X. Player Craig plays a Wandering Monster ...
import random's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

I lost my boomdagger enhanced by "…of doom". If I get it back, is it still enhanced?

I had to discard for 100g due to income tax being played. I discarded/sold my boomdagger which was enhanced by "…of doom". Now would I get the dagger back with or without "…of doom"?
Mikkel's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Are the Munchkin original and Munchkin Guest Artist Editions identical?

Do the "Guest Artist Edition" Munchkin packs have the exact same cards as their original counterparts, just with different art? Or do they have their own unique cards? For example, would Munchkin ...
Guy's user avatar
  • 153
3 votes
1 answer

Confused on helping and wandering monsters in munchkin zombies

There are 5 players. Player 1 kicks down door, there is a monster he needs help with. A player agrees to help. Can the other three players all use a wandering monster card and a monster card? If so ...
DrkRaven's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Munchkin: carrying vs equipped

I'd like more concrete info about what you can do with items that are being carried or equipped. Carried items: Q: Can you use the "if you discard this card" effect for items you carry? Q: What kind ...
MorphicPro's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Munchkin: Charity: Giving cards to someone who has 5 already

In the charity phase of munchkin when you have to reduce your hand to 5 cards. A rule states: Charity: If you have more than five cards in your hand, you must play enough cards to get you to ...
MorphicPro's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What does "Wakanda" actually do?

Wakanda, from the Marvel Munchkin DC expansion pack Mystic Mayhem, states that no monster can enter combat (via wandering monster, ect.). What exactly does this mean? Can you use a replicate card, ...
Alesha Cox's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Where (or to whom) do sold items go?

In Munchkin you can sell items which amount to not less than 1000 gold pieces or multiples, in exchange for levels. Am I right that selling is a form of discarding, that is you are "selling" to the "...
Francesco's user avatar
  • 229
2 votes
1 answer

What happens when Annihilation is played in combat on a monster that is not the last played card?

In Munchkin, what is the effect of Annihilation card when played in combat with multiple monsters, targeting a monster that is not the last played card? Will its power still count for combat ...
Ivan Koshelev's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Confused in the capabilities of Power Gem in Munchkin:Marvel [closed]

Does the power of Power Gem really means that you can use all powers regardless of its rank requirement?
Carl Jan Binalla's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Do these count as electronics for the purpose of Electro?

I played munchkin marvel for the first time last night and had a problem when we encountered the monster Electro. The munchkin marvel faq (sorry, need to ctrl f to it) did not answer the issue we had....
Fering's user avatar
  • 133
1 vote
1 answer

Can I play unequipped on-the-table cards in combat?

Players can put cards down on the table unequipped. If they have a one-shot card on the table, such as a loaded die or a type of grenade, can they use those cards during combat? Or, can you only play ...
gamer103's user avatar
  • 119
5 votes
5 answers

Munchkin with 7-12 players

I am wondering on what modifications could we make to Munchkin for a better overall gameplay when adapting it to be played with 7-12 players. I am currently worried with the following issues: Number ...
falsarella's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Are there big differences in gameplay (not just theme) between Munchkin sets?

I have looked around and was overwhelmed by the number of Munchkin base sets out there. I googled what the best Munchkin set is, but so far, all I found is that I should pick the theme I like best. ...
Alex Boone's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can monsters use items with Cheat?

We all know by now that Cheat only allows you to use items you would not usually be able to use. Is there anything in the rules to stop you from giving Cheat to a Monster, and if not, is "being a ...
user12105's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Are there any house rules for combining Munchkin and Fluxx? [closed]

It occurred to me that the Fluxx and Munchkin are quite similar games in that they are casual games that derive their fun from their theming. Is it possible to combine the games?
dwjohnston's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Multiple Super Munchkin Cards

If I have 2 Super Munchkin or Half Breed (or any equivalent) cards, am I able to use up to 4 races/classes (Or 2 races/classes without any race/class related penalties)? Effectively, do these bonuses ...
Timpanus's user avatar
  • 223
7 votes
3 answers

What´s the reasoning for carry and equip items in Munchkin?

In Munchkin, what is the logic behind the rule of carry and equip items? What is the difference between carry and just keep the card in your hand? It is not simplier keep in hand and not use the carry ...
Bruno Estrazulas's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Munchkin Booty Ships are 'items', but are Ship Enhancers permanently bound to the ship?

According to the rule book: Ships are Items, and follow normal Item rules. There are also a few Items that specifically enhance Ships. A Ship with an Enhancer has the Enhancer’s gold value added to ...
getglad's user avatar
  • 121
6 votes
2 answers

Munchkin vs Munchkin Deluxe

I'm debating between the two versions as it is only a few dollars difference. Would any of you who own the Deluxe version say this is worth it? The board piece sounds appealing but I hear the ...
axu's user avatar
  • 63
14 votes
1 answer

Go Up A Level cards

If I draw a "Go Up A Level" card, is it automatically played/applied right away or do I have the option to hold it in my hand? I ask for a more specific reason, because I drew a "Go Up A Level" card ...
earthling's user avatar
  • 243
3 votes
2 answers

Munchkin Combat Rules Clarification: Do you lose one-shot items played if later forced to run away

Say a player is level 6 and faces a level 10 monster, the player decides to play a one-shot +5 card, making the player level 11. After that card is played, another player enrages the monster making it ...
Kyle R's user avatar
  • 71
5 votes
1 answer

Munchkins Combat Shenanigans

Level 1 sock puppet says players may not play cards from hand to aid or help this combat. May they use the cards that are in their unequipped zone?
Kyle Chandler's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Munchkin Dungeon of Comprehensive Curses Technical Difficulties

So this dungeon says any curse that affects someone happens to everyone, unless the curse already does so. Most curses are pretty cut and dry, but what does "effects everyone" technically mean? ...
Kyle Chandler's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Munchkins: Apocolypse Preparing for the 7th seal

Ok, so we are mid-game and the pressure is thick. My so called "friend", has been stealing all my small items the entire game. The host of tonights game has favored his apocolypse doors for every ...
Kyle Chandler's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Does "Cheat!" effectively give you two more hands?

Suppose you have a player who has a two-handed weapon A and another two-handed weapon B. He can use either of them without any problems, but not both as he only has two hands. With the card "Cheat!" ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Can you run away without losing against a monster?

In Munchkin, I found the following for running away (source) If nobody will help you . . . or if somebody tries to help, and your fellow party members interfere so the two of you still cannot win ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Can you interfere and help and win the game as an elf in munchkin?

In the rules it says you can interfere with combat "use a one shot item to help another player by casting a potion against his foe" My friend drew a lvl18 card and someone else helped him. I wanted ...
ioquatix's user avatar
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